Deported woman who needs dialysis

yeah i think ur right urchin, my friend from russia at school had to get a student visa and she wasnt allowed to work.
Hmm im unsure...

My Dad was born and rasied in the West indies he lived, he came to the uk in the 60's and worked for many years right up until the 90's when unfortunatly my Mum and Dad divorced and he returned, he rfecently got very very ill literally exactly what this woman had, anyway to cut a long story short he came back to the UK and is luckily having dialysis here as he cannot where he lives and basically would die without it, im so grateful for this. He is married and misses his wife terribly but in saying that he did to use to be a british citizen and i guess he more or less still is.

I voted they should of allowed her to stay tbh, like someone else said at least she was working, If she had just come over here for a free run, then fair enough.

But at the same time I guess it was a bit silly to let her visa run short?? So im not too sure...
Urchin said:
My OH is also an immigrant (South African) we wouldn't dream of letting his visa run out!
For a start by working when she was on a student vise, she was probably working cash in hand as she wouldn't have a national insurance number would she? She knew the student visa meant that she shouldn't work, yet she did. So she broke the rules on her visa, THEN she let it run out.
Sorry but that doesn't show respect for our rules.

I've known loads of British people on the dole working for cash in hand so not only are they breaking the law on declaring income and not paying tax they are defrauding the government. Should they also have treatment withheld? I dont think so...

If she had not started treatment or had entered the country specifically to receive treatment then fair enough but she was currently receiving treatment whilst resident (for some time) and being deported to probably die at what 39 years of age? Barbaric IMHO.
Minime said:
Urchin said:
My OH is also an immigrant (South African) we wouldn't dream of letting his visa run out!
For a start by working when she was on a student vise, she was probably working cash in hand as she wouldn't have a national insurance number would she? She knew the student visa meant that she shouldn't work, yet she did. So she broke the rules on her visa, THEN she let it run out.
Sorry but that doesn't show respect for our rules.

I've known loads of British people on the dole working for cash in hand so not only are they breaking the law on declaring income and not paying tax they are defrauding the government. Should they also have treatment withheld?

No, because they are british citizens, but they should be prosecuted to the full extend of the law. She is not a citizen and has not respected our rules whilst she was here, any immigrants who don't respect the rules should be deported IMHO, it's the only way. They give other, law abiding immigrants a bad name.
Letting this lady get away with it is opening the door for others and her case will be cited in future court cases of others who want to stay. It has to be one rules for everyone.
It's a shame, I do feel for her, but, my stepdad also had the exact same form of cancer, and the waiting list for treatment was ridiculous, he was told to basically "wait till it gets worse" THEN they would treat him. Thank god he had private cover.
If the NHS was in a better state I would maybe feel differently.
Agreed with the above. If someone wants to be a citizen then fine, apply for it or get a visa or however you do it. But UK people that break the law expect to be punished so why shouldn't anyone else.
I don't think anyone would begrudge someone who comes to the UK from another country and works hard, pays their taxes, abides by the law and does everything by the correct legal and moral channels etc.

However, in this instance this woman has broken the rules of her visa, not only by overstaying it once it had finished but by working illegally also. Although I sympathise with her plight I believe in the theory that at some point you have to say 'no' otherwise there would be an endless stream of needy cases and although it would be lovely to help them all it is neither economically nor realistically feasible - the NHS is buckling under the strain as it is.

The fact that there are British citizens who are bone idle or work for cash in hand is irrelevant and a separate issue. They are equally wrong. That is another discussion in itself...
I'm quite surprised actually.. I don't know why but I thought more people would feel sorry for her and I'd be the only one arguing otherwise. Not saying I don't feel bad for her, but I def agree they did the right thing.
personally I still thoroughly believe that if you have never worked a day in your life, are over 18, are not in full time education and don't have a decent legitimate reason to not be working (such as legitimate disabilities, are a carer of a disabled/sick person or have a serious illness), then you should not be entitled to benefits. That includes UK citizens. Might encourage some people to get up and work rather than live on benefits all their lives.

Benefits should only be there for people who fall on bad times, ie. they get sick, they are disabled, or loose their jobs for example.

But unless you are disabled, seriously ill etc then theres no reason why shouldn't work and put some contribution into the system... After all I've seen people with mental disabilities holding down jobs, so theres no excuse to the rest of the population not to work? That includes immigrants.

If this woman can prove she's paid British taxes through working then I can't see why she should be allowed treatment, but if its been cash in hand as Urchin says then, no I don't believe she should have the right, because even though she's not been actively sponging off the government, she hasn't paid into the system to earn the right to treatment. Which is just as bad IMO.

but then you never get all the facts in these media cases to be able to effectively examine the situation and individual circumstances.
Urchin said:
My OH is also an immigrant (South African) we wouldn't dream of letting his visa run out!
For a start by working when she was on a student vise, she was probably working cash in hand as she wouldn't have a national insurance number would she? She knew the student visa meant that she shouldn't work, yet she did. So she broke the rules on her visa, THEN she let it run out.
Sorry but that doesn't show respect for our rules.

i agree, she couldnt have been paying any national insurance as she would have lost all rights to work and live in the country when her visa ran out, as soon as she would have registered to work, someone would have picked up on it and she would have been deported so she would have had to be working cash in hand to get away with it so long. rules are rules and personally the uk's rules are too soft.

my friends husband is turkish and came to this country and then 18 months later left her and moved to newcastle. his visa ran out 18 months ago and he still has not been deported as he lives with friends/girlfriends and works cash in hand at a turkish take away. my friend has reported that they are no longer together and he is living here illegally but he has not been found so far.

It's a horrible thing for her to go through but I do wonder why we have to be responsible for her? My hubby also wondered why Ghana should be responsible for her if she didn't want to be there in the first place.
Head says DEPORT
Heart says STAY


If I was the ruler of the world I'd say "ok, get your treatment first, then leave" but it doesn't work like that, every man for himself and all that.
Squiglet said:
If this woman can prove she's paid British taxes through working then I can't see why she should be allowed treatment, but if its been cash in hand as Urchin says then, no I don't believe she should have the right, because even though she's not been actively sponging off the government, she hasn't paid into the system to earn the right to treatment. Which is just as bad IMO.

but then you never get all the facts in these media cases to be able to effectively examine the situation and individual circumstances.

yes we are all just guessing.

I don't think it's possible to work and pay taxes if you aren't supposed to be working. You need a N.I. number for a start, my OH had to apply for one and go for and interview to get it so he could work legally. Also what tax code would she have? (students don't pay tax do they? even if they are working legally)
Urchin said:
Squiglet said:
If this woman can prove she's paid British taxes through working then I can't see why she should be allowed treatment, but if its been cash in hand as Urchin says then, no I don't believe she should have the right, because even though she's not been actively sponging off the government, she hasn't paid into the system to earn the right to treatment. Which is just as bad IMO.

but then you never get all the facts in these media cases to be able to effectively examine the situation and individual circumstances.

yes we are all just guessing.

I don't think it's possible to work and pay taxes if you aren't supposed to be working. You need a N.I. number for a start, my OH had to apply for one and go for and interview to get it so he could work legally. Also what tax code would she have? (students don't pay tax do they? even if they are working legally)

I don't know what the procedure is being an immigrant in the UK... but I know here you have to apply for an NIE number. They only hand out 50 tickets a day for people to apply for this number, and you have to be in a queue outside the foreigners office from about 4am in the morning, the office doesn't open until 9am but if you are not the first 50 in the queue, they turn you away... theres lots of dedication involved... :rotfl: ... Its completely free to get and it doesn't run out... but non EU residents have a lot more paperwork to sort out and have to make several early morning jaunts....

However, without this NIE number, you can buy or sell property, study, receive medical treatment, claim benefits, work legally, get residency... basically live and breathe.. People work illegally here, but if you get sick working illegally the hospital just won't entertain you.. they will quite happily send you away to die on their doorstep if you can't prove you can pay. Sounds harsh, but it drops down illegal workers and forces people to get their NIE numbers but best of all pay taxes. :rotfl:
I don't think it's right that she shpuld have not amended her visa though having actually worked on a ward where I have looked after renal patients with renal cancer and may I hasten to add also seen them die, I understand the impact on the effect of lack of kidney control and balance on the body. I think maybe all of the issues should have been looked into before deporting her! For a start she has 2 young children! I lost my mum to cancer when I was 13 and regardless of politics and visas, for goodness sake give the woman a chance. She is in a situation with an illness which I hope that I'm never in and hope that if I was that someone would help me.

If she did try to fiddle the system to get her treatement..fair play..she is the only parent for those children and unethical as it is I would do the same for my kids :shakehead:
Wasn't it saying in the news only today how easy it was for illegal immigrants to obtain an NI number and there are in excess of 6000 working in security services alone, some employed BY the government?

Imagine yourself in her shoes, you find out you've got cancer, your visa expires what would you do? She is an exceptional case and they've condemnded her to her death.
i clicked deport, as she was aware that she shouldnt be in this country, why should we pay for people that havent paid into the country.

ETA: havent read all of this thread,

but if she has Genuinly paid taxes, i say let her stay for a while and get some treatment before being deported.

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