Looks like I might have some bad news :0(


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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My mum has suffered with kidney pain for a while and so has me
and my bro.
I thought it was strange how we all get these pains in our
kidneys. The other day I bought real people magazine and there
was a story about a woman with polycystic kidney disease,
its hereditary so I text my mum and told her about the story,she looked it up
online and agreed that it sounds similar to our symptoms.
Polycystic kidney disease is where cysts grow on your kidneys and
eat the kidney tissue. The worse part about it is that it's
You can have dialysis and a transplant but without
the transplant you can't survive.
Me and my mum went to the doctors this morning and the doctor
could feel cysts on my mums kidneys so she must have been suffering
for quite a while with PKD.
She couldn't feel any on mine but she does think I have it.
I have only been suffering for about a year so it's not as bad as my mums and my brother has only been a few months.
We have done wee tests and are waiting for a scan appointment.
If I defo have it then there is a 50% chance Summer will get it
when she is older.
I don't know what is going to happen to me but I'm not thinking
the worse.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Oh lamb!

My godmother and her sister both have PKD. Joan (the older sister) had a transplant a few years ago and is doing fantastically!

Libby, my godmother, has PKD and PLD (Liver). She's not even started dialysis yet, and is monitored very closely.

Please try and not worry about the "What ifs", they may never happen!

PM if you need to luv!

good job you read that magasine and are getting things looked into. so sorry to hear, i hope everythings ok. xxx :pray:
Aww babes, I'm really sorry to hear that :(

Big hugs to you and all your family :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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