Wetherspoons limits parents drinks.

I agree with it. Pubs are no places for children, especially if they don't have child facilities. It's not nice for people to get trashed in front of their kids, I remember seeing this young girl out with her grandparents (well I guess they were as they were old!) in the Wetherspoons in town. Poor thing was everso upset because her grandad was wasted, it was a disgusting sight. If people want to go out and aren't happy at only being allowed two alcoholic drinks then my personal opinion is that they should leave the kids at home, with a responsible adult.
Im really shocked at the results. I thought given other posts and the replies people give that there would be an outcry that people would take their kids to the pub anyway :wink:

I have taken my kids to a cafe/bar but only for the purposes of a quick tea then out again. I dont like weatherspoons pubs but applaud them for this stand. I dont think that kids should be in a bar soley so parents can have an afternoon in the pub.

We used to have a karoke bar nearby and for the 3 hours it was on (saturday afternoon) young kids (and I mean young) were running around while a lot of the parents got pished. We only went because my sister liked to sign there (she was over 18). It got stopped eventually.
lauramumof2 said:
I have taken my kids to a cafe/bar but only for the purposes of a quick tea then out again. I dont like weatherspoons pubs but applaud them for this stand. I dont think that kids should be in a bar soley so parents can have an afternoon in the pub.

I don't think thats the case though is it, wetherspoons serve food, when I have been in there in past with my friends and our babies it's for a spot of lunch whilst were doing shopping or something. It wasn't to spend afternoon getting pissed.
I don't think thats the case though is it, wetherspoons serve food, when I have been in there in past with my friends and our babies it's for a spot of lunch whilst were doing shopping or something. It wasn't to spend afternoon getting p*ssed.

Then the new rules wont affect you then :)
Sweetcheeks24 said:
lauramumof2 said:
I have taken my kids to a cafe/bar but only for the purposes of a quick tea then out again. I dont like weatherspoons pubs but applaud them for this stand. I dont think that kids should be in a bar soley so parents can have an afternoon in the pub.

I don't think thats the case though is it, wetherspoons serve food, when I have been in there in past with my friends and our babies it's for a spot of lunch whilst were doing shopping or something. It wasn't to spend afternoon getting p*ssed.

that might be what you do but there are plenty who dont.
Thats the point a lot of girls are making though, that those individuals who you must admit are in the minority should be dealt with just like that. But for the majority we shouldn't have to sit nervous in a pub wondering when they are gonna come over and ask us to leave? :)
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Thats the point a lot of girls are making though, that those individuals who you must admit are in the minority should be dealt with just like that. But for the majority we shouldn't have to sit nervous in a pub wondering when they are gonna come over and ask us to leave? :)

fair enough :D
It wouldnt make me nervous tho, im just not a fan of pubs and children, its a personal thing about drink and parents.
lauramumof2 said:
fair enough :D
It wouldnt make me nervous tho, im just not a fan of pubs and children, its a personal thing about drink and parents.

I agree about the drinking and parents bit, I personally wouldn't ever drink whilst I had Jack. :? Just dont like the idea even if it's only 1 or 2
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Thats the point a lot of girls are making though, that those individuals who you must admit are in the minority should be dealt with just like that. But for the majority we shouldn't have to sit nervous in a pub wondering when they are gonna come over and ask us to leave? :)

But Wetherspoons have said that you will be unaffected if you're drinking soft drinks, it's only alcoholic drinks that are being limited.

Am I in the minority for thinking that sitting down, your food being brought to your table, eating it, it being clear away and having one more alcoholic drink, finishing it and then leaving is enough time for a baby or child to be spending in a pub? Even if the parents are responsible it's still a pub where a lot of childless people are going to be drinking, getting drunk and therefore it isn't really the best atmosphere for a child to be in?

I've been to Wetherspoons a couple of times since having DD, but mainly just for something to eat and then leaving. I wouldn't dream of sitting in a pub for hours on end with my kids, it just seems wrong :?

If the only way to discourage irresponsible parents from getting tanked up whilst in charge of kids is to bring in a blanket rule amongst all the pubs then I have no problem with that.
Kina said:
I've been to Wetherspoons a couple of times since having DD, but mainly just for something to eat and then leaving. I wouldn't dream of sitting in a pub for hours on end with my kids, it just seems wrong :?

I agree. I wouldnt like to think you were in the minority.
But the people who were asked to leave were only drinking soft drinks not alcoholic ones :doh:
well i enjoy going out for a meal with my son and hubby..D gets to try foods i don't cook and gets to see many faces who chat to him becuase he is soo cute.

i rarely drink as i am breastfeeding . i have never been in a witherpoons but qwent to frankie ad bennies the other day and had to hurry they guy to pay the bill as D was getting restless.

if someone isn't controlling there kids then deal with them not the majority.
We like to go out for pub meals sometimes.

However I choose where to take them carefully. I honestly wouuldn't want my children in a wetherspoons pub, I don't think it's suitable. We normally take them to one with a wacky (indoor soft ball play area) or in the summer one with a nice outdoor play area. We never stay more than a couple of hours though and we don't drink.

I think Wetherspoons should just be an adult only pub as they provide no suitable area's for children to play.
As a side note, I also think pubs should refuse to serve alcohol to parents with children if they have already had enough to drink. I used to work behind a bar where they were happy to serve a woman all day - she got drunk everyday and then her daughter would come straight to the pub after school - I think that's wrong.

The same pub also used to serve a lady with countless bottles of diamond white every night even though she was heavily pregnant. She also smoked like a trooper. Her baby had to be delivered early in the end as it had stopped growing in the womb.

Some parents are completely irresponsible.
andreaaa said:
The same pub also used to serve a lady with countless bottles of diamond white every night even though she was heavily pregnant. She also smoked like a trooper. Her baby had to be delivered early in the end as it had stopped growing in the womb.

Some parents are completely irresponsible.

Thats disgusting, what kind of human being would get pg then polute her body and her babys home like that, people like that should not be allowed to have kids especially when there are others who are trying so hard to have a family with no luck, makes me sick :x
I think its disgusting. Im an adult ill decided when I want to leave. (obviously if i havent done anything wrong)
Just because im a parent, id be treated second class/like somone who would get completly pissed and take no responseablitly of my own child.

FFS. :wall: :roll:

If thats the case i will be taking my custom else where. Supose thats what they want anyway. I will not be treated like a 'might-be-bad parent' by anyone. Especially somwhere im paying to bloody sit down in.
well as much as I'd love to pack my son off to a soft play area - he's 14 and a little too tall for them in general - but we're still a family and he's still a child :wink: we do go into Wetherspoons occasionally when we're visiting somewhere - to eat. And again 3 drinks with a 2-3 course meal is hardly excessive :D

and it is the responsibility of all license holders not to serve someone who is obviously drunk - whether they have children with them or not - so no need for new rules or laws - its already there. Now get them to take notice of it :roll: and that includes the binge drinkers at the weekend - of course they won't as it'll hit their profits - far easier to pick on parents
The sad thing about all this is that Wetherspoons even felt it necessary to introduce this in the first place.

It speaks volumes about society when decisione like this need to be taken away from parents, because some of them are just too stupid, ignorant, uneducated to make an informed decision about what's responsible behaviour when you have kids.

Another story with the same theme:


Florida's Walt Disney World bans children from fanciest park restaurant

The home of Mickey Mouse, Tigger and Tinkerbell has banned kids from its fanciest restaurant.

Beginning this week, children under 10 are no longer welcome at Victoria & Albert's in the Grand Floridian Resort & Spa. Victoria & Albert's is Walt Disney World's only restaurant with an AAA five-diamond rating.

"We want to be the restaurant that's available for that adult experience," said general manager Israel Perez.

Only about three families a month ever brought young children to Victoria & Albert's, said Rosemary Rose, Disney's vice-president for food, beverage and merchandise operations.

Men are required to wear jackets, and women must wear dresses or pantsuits. The hushed atmosphere features live harp music, and the menu, which changes daily, offers seven-course dinners that can last as long as three hours. Prices start at $125 a person.

Rose noted that there are plenty of dining options for families at Disney World, which has 97 other full-service restaurants.

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