Delivery of Placenta


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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I cant make my mind up about the delivery of the placenta, natural or not.

Any mums out there who did it naturally I would really love to know how long it took for you to deliver the placenta naturally?

Thanks in advance for your replies
I was that whacked out of my head, (with the diamorphine)I have no idea! lol
Oh no wait, I had an injection! :roll: sorry! :D
:oops: I never realized there was a choice.

I have only read a real brief thing on it but I think I would choose the injection. I think when its out then I can enjoy the time with Pip but if it was still there I would be wondering :) Thats just me I never knew I had a choice till a second ago I thought it just came out with a big push and squidge!
I had an injection ... as soon as I had the injection, it came out!
i had it naturally, it took about 20 mins or so for it to come out after baby was born
I delivered mine naturally after giving birth to DD in the birth pool at home.

Mine took roughly 25 minutes after my DD was born. After she was born, we had a cuddle, waited for the cord to stop pulsating and OH cut it, she was taken over to be checked over and weighed etc and then OH did skin-to-skin (top off) on the sofa while I stayed in the pool to deliver the placenta.

I have to say that I found it hard at the time - OH said I was like a Mummy seal who had lost her pups, bobbing around in the pool with big eyes - I just wanted to cuddle my baby but had to wait. Just before it was delivered, I asked for the injection but the midwives persuaded me not to have it as I'd had a drug free labour so far. But in hindsight, I'm really glad I did it naturally and had a totally natural birth experience. It wasn't painful, it just came out after a couple of big (not painful) contractions and it really felt like I was giving birth to a jelly fish!

Valentine Xxx
i delivered it naturally with both of mine. it came within 10 mins of the baby both times. It feels really strange, doesnt hurt, but its a big relief IYKWIM
My sis had the injection and she said her womb wouldnt stop contracting afterwards, she was very uncomfortable afterwards for a little while
I had the injection and it came out within a couple of mins. No problems afterwards. xxx
i intended on doing it naturally, but apparently i'd given consent for the injection while i was in the throes of labour lol! but im glad i had it, it didnt hurt and it was out quite quickly. theres still a dull contraction-y kind of ache between baby coming out and placenta coming out, only after the placenta's out did the pain all disappear, so i wouldnt like to hav had to wait longer.
I can't remember even been asked about an injection but I would of said yes so I'm guessing I had it. My 1st came out within a couple of minute, my 2nd took about 30 minutes at least and I had a manual removal, My 3rd took at least 30 minutes too but came out on its own.
i dont rememeber being offered a choice, but i rememeber some one stabbing my leg and then a student pulling it out by the cord :shock: I was under the impression it came out on it own.

it was all over in a split second and i never actually saw it, just informed it was ragged and to expect alot more clots :?
I remember the injection and the placenta coming out but have no idea how long it took! I wish I'd seen it. All I knew was that it was very thin.
I had the injection every time.

This time I asked to do it naturally, but as I'd been bleeding I had to have the injection... something to do with my uterus... I also had to have the prostin drip AFTER he was born to keep my uterus contracted.
i seem to remember them asking me about some sort of injection whilst i was pushing, and i shouted that i would have everything if it made the pain go away!!! :rotfl:

After i had delivered it, i did have a look at it, whilst they took it away to be weighed?! In my half drugged state i can remember being facinated by the cord! it wasn't anything like what i expected.
i had the injection but it was stuck fast and wouldnt come out
so they had to peel it off my womb :puke: :puke: :puke:
I said I wanted to do it naturally but the mw warned me that she would give me the injection if there was a lot of 'the red stuff' :lol: and there was so I got the injection. I was so out of it I didnt notice
With Tia... I had EVERYTHING.... Injection, drip, midwife and surgeon having a rumage around.... it came out with the latter... :rotfl:

I delivered it naturally with Serena though... they didn't even ask if I wanted an injection... :think: It took about 10 minutes to come out... and DH very kindly took a picture of me delivering it... Not pictures of me delivering the baby.... OH no... the ugly placenta thing :roll: :roll: :roll: men! :rotfl:

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