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I would say keep a diary of everything she does/says/sends so when you finally do get the police involved you have a record of it. If she keeps going like that I wouldn't wait too long before reporting it.

Oh, and I had a scan at 5 weeks but it was just like a little white smudge on the screen. I could see a heartbeat though. By the sounds of it, if she's crazy enough to stalk you, chances are there isn't actually a pregnancy :)
I had an early scan. A few days after I found out I was pregnant as I was bleeding at around 4 weeks but they couldnt see anything so I had to go back over a week later before they could find anything.
We had scans at 4, 5 and 6 weeks with Casey. At 4 weeks there was just an empty sac, at 5 weeks a sac and a yolk sac inside and not until 6 weeks was there a fetal pole (as they called it). The only reason we were offered scans that early was because I should have been 2 weeks further along and they thought he was ectopic.

I believe normally before 6 weeks they only offer blood testing to monitor hcg levels.

As for the texts etc, very weird. I would report it now as it takes a while for anything to be done so the sooner the better really.
Thats the same reason I was given a scan so early, we werent sure about dates. The doctor told us normally you arent offered one untill 6 or 7 weeks.
If I were you I would inform the police now. She sounds unstable and by reporting her at least the police will be aware of the situation!

Hope you're ok.
Wow she seems a bit loopy, my guess is that she cant let go and thinks this "fake" pregnancy will send your OH running into her arms, im betting that its al made up.
OMG I'm so sorry things aren't going as smoothly as they could do! :hug:

From the sound of it, I would guess it's a fake pregnancy.

She sounds like a complete nutter and it could potentially start to break down your relationship so I would involve the police now and get that weirdo out of your life for good!! x
:? :?

i had a scan at 6weeks and could see the heart
Well if your OH turned round and said he would go with her wouldnt that call her bluff ???
I mean if she is making it all up surely they will be no scan.
MissSara said:
Well if your OH turned round and said he would go with her wouldnt that call her bluff ???
I mean if she is making it all up surely they will be no scan.
Ooooh I like your sneaky thinking there Sara! :think: Hmmm... But then again, if she IS pregnant, then he's already agreed to go with her. Hmmm tough one!

I hope for everyone's sakes (including hers) that she isn't pregnant and this is all a ploy to destruct your newly rekindled relationship. Sad as it sounds.

He's got to be careful though because even if this is a set up and she's not pregnant, she COULD have been... xx
I had a scan at 5 and half/6 weeks because I had some bleeding and we saw a baby but no heartbeat at the time because it was very early still. I would definately keep a record of every message, phone call etc.. that you're getting from her because she is harrassing you/your OH and in effect that is illegal. I agree with MissSara though your OH should call her bluff! Although you may find it amusing please be careful because some stalkers can get out of hand and she sounds like a right wacko!!
I would call the police and report her, so they have a record of it all, esp as she seems to be watching you as well. Keep a diary of everything she says and does. I wouldnt call her bluff, i would keep well away from her as she seem really unhinged.

Hope you get this sorted out soon xx :hug:
Hunny nip this in the bud ASAP. I had the same with my now ex husband's ex. She'd ring the house fone up to 50 times, his mobile, my mobile and yes you can put on silent but when if your family need to get in touch (I was a carer for my aunt at the time) Anything I did she'd scream abuse. I had a party for my DD's birthday and got numerous calls ranting abuse how we could afford a party for MY child but not his (She never allowed access and we were always in court :roll: )

It progressed to her making complaints to my employers over what I had said and done (or rather NOT as it was lies). They knew what she was like but have a duty to investigate.

After then she'd get friends to call at 2am calling me a slag and making threats of violence, even her own father was ringing me screaming abuse and when I lost my rag he was going "Oh yeah oh yeah baby, do it more" then HE complained to my employers that I'd shouted abuse at him!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

I went to the police and any calls to your mobile can be traced in seconds. I gave them one example of a call and they printed out how many times that number had called. Landlines are harder to trace as you have to dial a number every time they call. Anyhow she got cautioned under the harassment act. Funny thing is that the police rang her to ask to speak to her and she thought it was me (like I'd ring her anyway :roll: ) and she screamed abuse at the police. They then turned up on her doorstep and said As I was saying Ms XXX :lol:

She's actually been warned 3 times in total as the paperwork was not completed properly and some other reason so if she does contact me again now she'll be arrested.

Dont let it escalate to that and it will get worse if you dont do something. Just ignoring her will let her think of other weird and wonderful things to do to you so sort it asap :)
Perhaps she didnt even go and have a scan, just a wonder round the hospital.......
Well at least now she has no reason what so ever to contact you in anyway. And if she does it would be a matter for the police now, she can't pull out the pregnancy card anymore.
either way, as misssara said, she has no reason to contact you anymore.

if she does send you nasty texts (esp threating), etc keep them for a bit incase you do go to the police!

hopefuly this is the last of it though!! :hug:
:fib: think someone might have been tellings fibs....

Hope that she leaves you alone now :hug:

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