Deffo got our boys name!


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Jack - we both love it! I want the middle name Michael (my dads name - but oh doesn't like it)
what do you think.

Jack Michael Kadyn (after our nephew who died - if this is ok with his mum and dad) Busby.

Our boys name was always going to be Dylan - but then we realized we would have a Lil and a Dil and that sounds odd!!! xx
I love jack it's my little boys name. I could never decide on a middle name so he is just jack haha. Xxx
I think its so simple but handsome and strong! x
I love Jack and am not sure why that isn't our boys name (there is a reason, think OH's cousin has a Jack?)

We'll go for James but Jack is the only other boys name I like!

Aw everyone has a name bar me I'm so clueless! X
Ya gonna spill cos or are you keeping it a suprise? X
Aw everyone has a name bar me I'm so clueless! X
Ya gonna spill cos or are you keeping it a suprise? X

I have a girls name but we are still fighting over a boys name. So you're not alone.
We r strugglin with a girls name!!!!!! Come on cos amd kedi, spill!!!!!! X
It's a secret I'm afraid lol
Don't you just hate that eh ;) x
I am glad you have a name now Cosmic LOL! Even if you aren't telling :shock:

We have James for a boy and for a girl we have Charlotte or Holly.

Considering that it took us a month to name our cat I think we're doing well

And very pretty that name is!!!!!!!!!!!! Xx
My LO is nameless too and by the looks of it it will be for long long time....
Cos I resent you for keeping it from me lol x
I have a Jack! :) He's Jack Stephen (after Daddy!) Jack's a are great! :) x

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