******December Mummies 2018******

Oh no, sorry to hear you've been having a rubbish day Wolfmamma. Men really don't get it and they cannot normally see the subtle hints, so you have to just be blunt and ask for what you want and he seems to have got the picture!
Tomorrow is a new day.

Ahh hope you feel better soon millielaura. I am wishing the days away too. This time next week we would have had a scan and will be 2 days away from our NHS 12 week scan. Hurry upppp! xx
Sorry you girls are so rough. My goal at the moment is pretty much just staying alive, lol. Thank goodness for the iv. I'm up to 32mg of zophran which is double what I was having and it limits the vomiting to a few times a day but I constantly feel like I want to throw up. Counting the days until 13 weeks when I pray things will start getting better.
Poor you bunny :( have you had different levels of sickness with different genders? My girl I was like how you are, I’m wondering if this is a boy as it has been better than with her! I don’t want to jinx myself though as seems to be getting worse every few days further on so I’m scared it will be late onset ! Feel like it could be a boy as sickness hasn’t been the same level! Not sure if any truth in the boy/girl thing? I reallyyyyy feel for you :( I mean it’s horrid being sick and struggling at all but Hg is just another level isn’t it ! I moan now when I struggle sorting my daughter etc but with her I just couldn’t even stand up myself without my legs collapsing and the vomiting was just crazy so I have it a lot easier this time ! Sending you lots of hugs . Hg really is the hardest thing ever :( I honestly thought she was going to kill me and no one understood just how bad it was! How are you children doing? Are they old enough to understand etc? Xxx
Just seen your signature bunny lol ! My daughter is 1 too , when was yours born? Mine was Jan 2017. Oh man it must be so rough for you being so ill :( I’ve found it hard not being able to sort her in the morning and having to get my husband to go in to her first etc but can’t imagine how hard it is for you being on the iv and in bed the whole time etc. Bloody terrifies me the thought every time I have a bad day I get so frightened it’s going to develop into what it was like with her and il be too ill to see to her at all. Just want to give you a big hug ! ( I know that would prob make you really sick though) roll on 13 weeks! Is that when it got better for you previous pregnancies? X
Our youngest boy was born December 2016 so they are close in age. I can tell he misses cuddles with me but he has gotten really close to his dad and he loves going out to do fun stuff with his dad and brother and sister all day. He still co-sleeps with me and that's the one time I can cope with him so at least we still get some night cuddles. When I get better the sleeping arrangement will have to change to get ready for new baby but it's quite nice we can still have that now. In the day time the kids get too much for me after being in the room for about 5 mins. I'm really fortunate that OH has been able to take time off work.

I had hg with our 1st who was a girl and then not with DS1 so when I was so sick last pregnancy oh was convinced it was another girl but he was a boy. Even worse this pregnancy so don't know what to expect, lol.

HG is awful but I also remember how hard it was with awful morning sickness and looking after a toddler. It got pretty miserable! So you are allowed to complain!
Hmmm interesting, was your Hg with your daughter worse than with your third? Maybe it’s a girl this time if it’s similar to hers and worse than last time? Interested to know if I have a boy now lol!
Awww that’s nice he still cosleeps and good you can cope with it! My daughter won’t sleep in our bed anymore she just bounces around and stays awake lol!
Haha yeah I really did not expect it to be so hard having a toddler and pregnant! I don’t know what I was expecting especially after how I was with her but I just thought it wouldn’t be as hard to do stuff for her as it actually is! Like all the lifting etc and her meals and changes and the guilt when I want to just lay down and she’s grabbing my hand to get something for her or leading me to the back door wanting to play in the yard lol! Feel so guilty that she’s noticed how miserable I am too, I try not to be in front of her but I’m sure she must of noticed I’m not myself xxx
Also that gives me hope this isn’t going to get worse. I’m probably making myself more sick than I am as every time I feel sick I have huge anxiety about it turning into Hg! Hate it so much as had really bad vomiting anxiety since my daughters pregnancy . When we all had sickness bugs last year I felt almost like I had ptsd cause I was just so anxious about the sick! Was your second pregnancy still bad sickness but never turned into Hg? I hope that’s what’s happening here , it seems a bit late to suddenly turn into Hg now but it is defo getting worse not better when further but with her I was already on my first hospital visit by 6+1 so I think I’m okay lol it just scares me so much!! Like it’s so common to get again isn’t it that it makes me anxious like surely it will come kinda thing xx
My 1st pregnancy (DD) the HG was fairly 'mild'. It hit its worst at 10/11 weeks. My second pregnancy (DS1) I had pretty rotten morning sickness but I wouldn't call it hg because I was still able to keep food and fluids down more or less and cary on with some daily stuff. When coming up to 10 weeks I was convinced it was going to get much worse but it actually started getting better. My last pregnancy (DS2) the HG was much worse than my 1st and this one is even worse than that.

I know what you mean about the fear. When I didn't have HG I was waiting every day for it to hit and even now I'm constantly worried it's going to get worse.
My heart breaks for all of you suffering from this horrid condition. Obviously compared to you few mine has been so mild, and I wanted to die every day, so how you have managed to be functioning human beings for the last few weeks I have absolutely no idea. I swear you are real warriors and I take my hat off to you <3

On lighter news, I have my scan at 8am tomorrow! DH has taken the morning off of work and DD is away on holiday so we have it all sorted. Hoping to see a lovely, healthy little bean dancing away on screen. I have been fairly calm for the last couple of weeks being as I saw it at 10 weeks or so but despite that, I'm still worried! I think it must be hardwired into us.
Struggling with my anxiety lately and feeling down. Went back to work last week for the end of the week so only two days and that was hard enough and tomorrow I'm back full time. My sickness has got a lot better but I just generally feel unwell, I'm always cold and headachy. Everyone is out enjoying the nice weather and all I want go do is lie in bed and it's really getting to me. Any one got any tips on how to lift their mood up. I feel guilty as some of you are having an awful time of it and feel I'm just being weak but my anxiety is really pulling me down.
Struggling with my anxiety lately and feeling down. Went back to work last week for the end of the week so only two days and that was hard enough and tomorrow I'm back full time. My sickness has got a lot better but I just generally feel unwell, I'm always cold and headachy. Everyone is out enjoying the nice weather and all I want go do is lie in bed and it's really getting to me. Any one got any tips on how to lift their mood up. I feel guilty as some of you are having an awful time of it and feel I'm just being weak but my anxiety is really pulling me down.

Nah, don't be guilty, I have been feeling exactly the same.

This last week I have had a stinking cold and this weekend I just fell into a pit of misery for some reason. I felt sick, cold, tired and just generally awful. I'll be honest and say that I gave into it for a couple of days and just had my DH look after me as much as he could. Being as I don't have my daughter today, I took to my bed, made him get ready for work himself and bog off leaving me to sleep until 11am.....

So far I am feeling much better! Give yourself some TLC and be a little selfish <3
So I've been putting some stuff on my Amazon wishlist today. I'm hoping to use it to keep my parents in law from buying the wrong stuff! I know they are very generous but when it comes to the big things like the cot, car seat and buggy, I am very picky and I know just what I want. I'm hoping that by putting them on this wishlist, if they do suddenly get the urge to spend way too much money then they can spend it on the right stuff! If it's the small stuff, they can buy whatever they want.

My question is, when will you ladies actually start shopping? I have not actually bought anything yet and I was wondering when everyone else was going to start doing a little bit of shopping? I'm planning to after my scan tomorrow!
So I've been putting some stuff on my Amazon wishlist today. I'm hoping to use it to keep my parents in law from buying the wrong stuff! I know they are very generous but when it comes to the big things like the cot, car seat and buggy, I am very picky and I know just what I want. I'm hoping that by putting them on this wishlist, if they do suddenly get the urge to spend way too much money then they can spend it on the right stuff! If it's the small stuff, they can buy whatever they want.

My question is, when will you ladies actually start shopping? I have not actually bought anything yet and I was wondering when everyone else was going to start doing a little bit of shopping? I'm planning to after my scan tomorrow!

We have holiday in two weeks so will prob not buy anything until we r back. Although have gender scan booked for 8th July so will probably start buying after that just. My aunt had a baby last year so. I already have a next to me and cossato pram there so not too much big stuff to buy. Good luck for ur scan
Thats a good idea to do a list wolfmamma.

Like you, i've not bought anything yet. Casually browsing online, but just want to get the 12 week scan over and done with first! Once that's out the way, i'll start to look properly!
Does anyone else feel like its one huge waiting game? From one scan/appointment to the next, tick tock, tick tock! Just seem to be counting down the days to each new step!x
Does anyone else feel like its one huge waiting game? From one scan/appointment to the next, tick tock, tick tock! Just seem to be counting down the days to each new step!x

I feel like I never wished my life away so much!! I'm either wishing for a midwifes appointment, or for the sickness to go away, or for my 12 week scan. Next it'll be my 16 week one, then my consultant one, then my 20 weeks scan. I feel like the waiting will never stop!!

Mind you, with my 7 year old, I'm mainly waiting for her bedtime so it doesn't get any better!!
I find it gets better once into second tri and feeling regular movements.
Does anyone else feel like its one huge waiting game? From one scan/appointment to the next, tick tock, tick tock! Just seem to be counting down the days to each new step!x

I feel like I never wished my life away so much!! I'm either wishing for a midwifes appointment, or for the sickness to go away, or for my 12 week scan. Next it'll be my 16 week one, then my consultant one, then my 20 weeks scan. I feel like the waiting will never stop!!

Mind you, with my 7 year old, I'm mainly waiting for her bedtime so it doesn't get any better!!

:lol: :lol: that made me chuckle xx
Good luck for your scan WolfMamma!

It does seem to drag, I'm waiting for my 16 week appointment now!
Good luck for your scan WolfMamma!

It does seem to drag, I'm waiting for my 16 week appointment now!

Aren't you sad that you got your '12 week' scan at 11 weeks something? Doesn't that make it drag a bit more? I'd have demanded another scan at 12 weeks, lol!!

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