Sorry I've been so absent recently ladies. I have had a horrid cold which has landed right on my chest. Having a chest full of gunk which demands to be brought up when you already have an overactive gag reflex from morning sickness is the worst
I am suffering loads this weekend too. Had a massive blow up with hubby yesterday as he's fed up of the state of the house. He walked out for 3 hours and I spent the day full of anxiety, crying and I didn't touch a mouthful of food all day. This morning I woke up to go get his breakfast and all I could do was retch into the washing up bowl.... my stomach didn't seem to realise there was nothing in there to bring up. I even retched so hard I peed myself a little.... that really topped of my morning.
He's complained that I've been really negative for the last couple of months. I con't seem to convey to him how sick I've felt and how worried I've been. Because he can't see it or touch it, he can't fathom it. I had a go at him because even though I know he struggles with emotion and finds it difficult to give me comfort, I've felt that he could try a bit harder. My expectations in this area are really low so although flowers, hot baths and candles would be lovely, it aint never going to happen. I've told him that all I want from him is to be touched, just like hand on my leg or my back when he can see that I'm feeling really bad. He said he'd try if he noticed.... I told him that even he isn't dumb enough not to notice me sat next to him crying.
I know he's been trying his best around the house and I constantly tell him how much I appreciate what he's been doing but I need something in the way of comfort too, and I get a lot of that from human contact, physical touch. Doesn't have to be much at all. I just got to the point where I got fed up of having to physically lift his arm up and put it around me myself. I don't think that's much to ask?!
Today I have managed half a small apple and he's going to pick me up some of my favourite biscuits when he is out. I have no appetite whatsoever recently, I just don't want to eat. I am tired, emotional and annoyed at myself because I want to achieve things like cleaning the house and making it really nice but my body is not co-operating. It just wants to sleep.
I'm so sorry for the rant. My little girl is away this week and I am sat cuddling her favourite toy because although she is a giant pain in the ass, she's my pain in the ass and I miss her.