******December Mummies 2018******

Sorry you're suffering Firecracker!

I always say that better to be safer than sorry so each time I have had bleeding I have phoned my GP and been referred. It's what they are there for anyway!

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better though, it probably is just everything stretching to accommodate growing baby. I can't remember what happened with my first one I'm afraid so I'm not much use :D
Firecracker I’ve had bad cramps from around week 3 and and still get them now. Most of the time it’s a low, dull ache but sometimes sharp stabbing type pains too.

I had an internal scan at 6 weeks, and a scan on Sunday at 9 weeks and both were completely fine. I haven’t had any morning sickness at all, but cramps instead. We’re all different and I guess it’s our own bodies all coping with it in different ways. I’m sure all will be fine :)
I know it's early days but has anyone thought about when you are going to take maternity leave? I don't like my job so am hoping to leave about a month and a half before due date. I won't be going back after as only on a temporary contract

Hmmm, I’m hoping to go as late as possible, last time I left 4 weeks before due date and son came 2 weeks early. Being Xmas work will be quieter I hope so not as stressful, I even thought about going right up to due date this time, but I doubt I will. If I plan to leave before due date I’m thinking 1st Dec
I'm lucky, I work from home on the PC so I can leave it until the day I drop if I want to!!

I am quite crampy today. Not worried as they feel like growing pains, I am also a bit *bunged up* so could be that too!!
I am a stay at home mum, although I do some work with my husband. At the moment I am a stay in bed mum, lol. I have been in bed 4 weeks now. Poor OH is doing everything, looking after me and the kids and squeezing in work when he can. Today I reached the half way mark until 13 weeks which is when I improved last time so at least I am counting down for the next 4 weeks.
Eaw123 I feel people will think less of me if I go off work early I just really suffer with my anxiety and work really is not helping. WolfMamma oh I wish I could work at home at the moment. I've been having mild cramps but I think they are mostly due to trapped wind.

BunnyN oh bless you, at least your oh is being supportive. Mine has been wonderful especially when I've been in bed this last week going out and grabbing me things. Was my first day back at work today as started to feel better and I was exhausted the whole say I just came home and napped! Thank god its a three day weekend. Really hope you feel better soon!
Wolfmamma if you are worried get a doctors appointment. I think you might keep worrying if you don't see anyone.
I have had the odd pain, I think round ligament pain but nothing too severe. I'm not bunged up, sort of the opposite. Not diarreah but verging on it and my stomach is like that every day. I've been like that before in pregnancy so assume it's normal, almost like sickness but the other end. I googled it in the past and found it's common.
Bunny do work let him stay off? I’ve stopped my cyclizine as my heart racing was getting so bad but now I am so sick :( I am terrified! The in laws are free some days but Monday’s and Fridays they aren’t and there is no one else. Husbands work don’t even like time off for him going to doctors appts so I have no idea what I’m going to do ! Got a call back from the doctors for tomorrow to try get more meds as ondansetron alone isn’t working :( . With my daughter I was in hospital twice and I couldn’t get out of bed without my legs collapsing I just have no idea what I will do if it gets that bad again and no one can have my daughter! Yesterday was absolute torture with her on my own! Thank god Oh had booked annual leave today for his bday! It is definitely getting worse the further I am not better :( I am sooooo scared of hospital again and being away from my daughter :( but I was never offered Iv at home last time ! Hospital was horrific when the breakfast trolley came round and when everyone had their tea!! I was on the ward where people had big bumps and got to listen to babies heartbeat etc it was horrible because I didn’t even know if my baby would be ok and get to that stage! I bloody hate needles too and they can never get a vein in my hand so I t was in my elbow and I couldn’t sleep or it would bloody beep at me for bending the iv line. I can’t go in again ! Really hope they give me something else today. I got a call back yesterday and she said she will get the hosp pharmacist to call me back today so have had to wait! I tried on Wednesday as well and got told by the doctor to have ginger!!! Grrr cxx
Sorry you are having such a hard time. I hope you can stay out of hospital. Needle in the elbow is horrid for sleeping. Everyone seems to have a story about how sick they or someone they know was in pregnancy but they don't really get the kind of sick you are talking about. If one more person tells me to try ginger...!

OH works for himself so time off is a lot more flexible. Of course no work also means no pay but we decided right away when I got pregnant that we'd just have to blow our savings if needed.

The iv at home has been a lifesaver. It's not something commonly done but OH managed to find a nurse from a private clinic that agreed to set it up for us at home.
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I hope you all start feeling better soon ladies! I'm working from home
This afternoon my sickness was so bad.. I keep getting round ligament pain every night when I turn on my side in bed. I just got my test back from screening for downs and Edwards, am low risk.
Feeling better today, thanks ladies for your support!

Hmmm - I think i'll try to work as late as possible, but may take my accrued annual leave just before, in order to have 2/3 weeks off prior to due date. So perhaps stop work beginning of December CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Sorry millielaura, that sounds awful last time. Hope they manage to give you something to help today.
Hope you are all feeling better soon xx
Thanks girls, got some more tablets phenergan or something, bit nervous though as they mention getting immediate medical advice if your heart races lol and mine did with cyclizine and these are similar! Going to see how I get in today and if still feeling terrible will take them and see.
My heart is fast in pregnancy anyway, was 120 yesterday at the docs! Even if sickness is okay I feel like I could just collapse with exhaustion when I’m up and about, anyone else? I’ve still not got my bloods done but guessing my iron might be low! Need a day to get them done when I don’t have my daughter . I didn’t have her one day last week but I just felt too poorly to even try and walk there!
I don’t work . I’m a SAHM atm, I think if I worked I would have to leave on bfp lol!! I did with my daughter as had the Hg and hospital admissions etc, by the time I was ok to work sickness wise I had spd and my job was quite demanding as elderly care assistant and kept getting heart racing when I stood and going faint etc so I ended up leaving as just wouldn’t of been able to focus on the patients at all! I am a pathetic pregnant person lol my body just seems to hate it! I’m getting an ecg done Tuesday if mother In law can take me about my heart so hoping for a referral to cardio and some meds to slow it down as it was in the 150s with my daughter and I won’t be able to function looking after her if it’s like that again I’d get so faint and have to lie down! Hopefully once sickness is better and my heart rate is normal then il be able to enjoy it lol xxx
Just had a letter through from the hospital from consultant, have an appointment with them for end of July. I’m guessing they changed their mind and making me high risk?
Hi ladies.

Please help me with my most likely irrational fears. I have a little dog (a lhasa apso) who I was playing with today and he kicked me in the stomach a couple of times in quick succession. It wasn't sore and i've not had any pain/bleeding since. Will this be ok??? My hormones are making me anxious about everything at the moment.
Yes I’d say definitely okay :) baby is so tiny and well protected this early. My toddler kicks me all the time and practically jumps up and down on my stomach lol! I’m going to try stop her doing it when I have a big bump purely cause I’m rhesus negative and if you get knocked hard you’re meant to get anti d if bump gets knocked hard from second tri onwards- I doubt a toddler would cause anything as I fell down the stairs and hit bump on a table last time and she gave me anti d just to be safe but I’m going to try stop her anyway so I’m not over thinking it lol . Lhasa apsos are pretty little aren’t they ( a lady I used to care for had one, I love them!) will defo be okay :) they are so well protected in there but yeah my toddler is always knocking me. Hope this makes you feel a little bette :)
The baby is still behind the pelvic bone at this stage so being kicked in the tummy shouldn't be a problem to baby at all.
Sorry I've been so absent recently ladies. I have had a horrid cold which has landed right on my chest. Having a chest full of gunk which demands to be brought up when you already have an overactive gag reflex from morning sickness is the worst :(

I am suffering loads this weekend too. Had a massive blow up with hubby yesterday as he's fed up of the state of the house. He walked out for 3 hours and I spent the day full of anxiety, crying and I didn't touch a mouthful of food all day. This morning I woke up to go get his breakfast and all I could do was retch into the washing up bowl.... my stomach didn't seem to realise there was nothing in there to bring up. I even retched so hard I peed myself a little.... that really topped of my morning.

He's complained that I've been really negative for the last couple of months. I con't seem to convey to him how sick I've felt and how worried I've been. Because he can't see it or touch it, he can't fathom it. I had a go at him because even though I know he struggles with emotion and finds it difficult to give me comfort, I've felt that he could try a bit harder. My expectations in this area are really low so although flowers, hot baths and candles would be lovely, it aint never going to happen. I've told him that all I want from him is to be touched, just like hand on my leg or my back when he can see that I'm feeling really bad. He said he'd try if he noticed.... I told him that even he isn't dumb enough not to notice me sat next to him crying.

I know he's been trying his best around the house and I constantly tell him how much I appreciate what he's been doing but I need something in the way of comfort too, and I get a lot of that from human contact, physical touch. Doesn't have to be much at all. I just got to the point where I got fed up of having to physically lift his arm up and put it around me myself. I don't think that's much to ask?!

Today I have managed half a small apple and he's going to pick me up some of my favourite biscuits when he is out. I have no appetite whatsoever recently, I just don't want to eat. I am tired, emotional and annoyed at myself because I want to achieve things like cleaning the house and making it really nice but my body is not co-operating. It just wants to sleep.

I'm so sorry for the rant. My little girl is away this week and I am sat cuddling her favourite toy because although she is a giant pain in the ass, she's my pain in the ass and I miss her.
Aww WolfMamma, sorry you are having such a tough time. Having a bad chest doesn't help on top of everything else. I hope hubby can be more understanding. Sometimes it's hard for men to get it. Hugs
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Urgh.... not a good day at all. Thought I was free and clear of sickness but apparently not. Didn't eat yesterday and all I have had today is some digestive biscuits and I feel as sick as a dog. I have no appetite and whenever I eat I get sick.

Thankfully DH has stepped up and has been good to me, even had his hand on my leg whilst I was curled up crying on the sofa.
Awww wolfmamma it’s so hard emotionally being so sick isn’t it :( it’s just so miserable :( . Hope you feel better soon. Men don’t understand at all!! Now got massive indents in my wrists from trying travel sickness bands lol I’m not sure if they’ve helped at all but I’ve kept them on anyway just in case lol only taken them off to have a bath in the last 24 hours. Anyone else finding it hard to shower or bath? I can’t shower at all it makes me so sick and the bath I have to try really hard not to be sick urgh! Also my house is totally triggering my sickness does anyone else have this?? I feel sooo much worse in the house cause of smells etc but there is no way I could leave the house on my own during the week without husband driving places. I’m so scared for Tuesday when he goes. Back to work. Got an appt so going to ask mother in law if she can take me as can’t cope with the bus and then hoping she can have my daughter and I can go back to bed ! Wednesday my husband is off again then Thursday and Friday I’m hoping my daughter will have long naps and then she can play in the yard the rest of the day . Then it’s the weekend again thank god. Anyone else just wishing time away like this lol? I’m really feeling panicky about how to cope with my daughter alone so having to break it into little chunks like this haha. Just want to feel normal again and able to take her to the park and groups and meet friends etc. Not having a third till they are in school lol. Finding it so hard and hate complaining but just want time to speed up and be holding baby now and enjoying ourselves as family of four without me feeling so crap xxx

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