******December Mummies 2018******

I am finding out I also dislike surprises! 😂 I would be interested in a fb group..

And hmmm. Does he want to stop? Could always go
To the doctors try nicotine replacement or try a vape? That's what helped me stop and since I found out I was preg haven't missed it at all. Now when I see people smoking I realise how much it stinks, really weird!
I am finding out I also dislike surprises! 😂 I would be interested in a fb group..

And hmmm. Does he want to stop? Could always go
To the doctors try nicotine replacement or try a vape? That's what helped me stop and since I found out I was preg haven't missed it at all. Now when I see people smoking I realise how much it stinks, really weird!

Are you public with your baby bean yet xxfxx? We seem to be the leading two people this month :D
I am, once family and friends knew everyone else seemed to cotton on, so I put it on fb. We are, I love seeing everyone's scan pics. Are you thinking boy or girl?
I'll create the group tomorrow then if I can, never done one before so I'll do my best!

I'm hoping for a boy but I'd be very happy with a girl! You?
If be up for an Fb group once public :)

We had a surprise with my son and will be having a surprise again, I always thought I’d like to find out second time round but changed my mind.
Great. I'm thinking I'm having a girl but don't mind too much as long as their healthy!

I keep getting growing pains every day and have to be really careful when getting up or turning in bed.
Wow great scan pics Wolfmamma! You must have been SO happy and relieved! I am quite envious! Baby looks a very good size.

Hmmm - you and I are scan buddies, both on the 5th. Counting down the days! I am having a blood test and quick heartbeat check on the 2nd, but main scan on 5th with NHS.

My husband is a right planner so wants to know the sex, but i'd quite like to do the surprise thing. Ladies who have had kids before, given that time again (first child) would you find out the sex, or worth keeping it secret?xx

Had a word with OH he feels really guilty for upsetting me and promises me he will try harder. So hopefully by the time the baby is born he will be smoke free :)
Hmmm my partner smokes too so I know how you feel. He has promised as soon as the baby is here he will give up, said it will be a good incentive for him.. so I’m keeping everything crossed!!

I definitely want to keep the sex a surprise. This is my first and I really don’t mind either way if it’s a boy or a girl :)
Wow great scan pics Wolfmamma! You must have been SO happy and relieved! I am quite envious! Baby looks a very good size.

Hmmm - you and I are scan buddies, both on the 5th. Counting down the days! I am having a blood test and quick heartbeat check on the 2nd, but main scan on 5th with NHS.

My husband is a right planner so wants to know the sex, but i'd quite like to do the surprise thing. Ladies who have had kids before, given that time again (first child) would you find out the sex, or worth keeping it secret?xx


Think each to their own with finding out sex, for me I don’t want to know as I like surprises and I think it’s nice after all that hard work growing baby. I have a friend who found out and she was really worried they’d got it wrong and wished she hadn’t found out to save the worry. They didn’t get it wrong though.
Wow great scan pics Wolfmamma! You must have been SO happy and relieved! I am quite envious! Baby looks a very good size.

Hmmm - you and I are scan buddies, both on the 5th. Counting down the days! I am having a blood test and quick heartbeat check on the 2nd, but main scan on 5th with NHS.

My husband is a right planner so wants to know the sex, but i'd quite like to do the surprise thing. Ladies who have had kids before, given that time again (first child) would you find out the sex, or worth keeping it secret?xx


I would alllllways find out :D It was so nice to be prepared!!
Firecracker yes forgot we are scan buddies! So looking forward to the scan but not the blood test! Already got my letter through for the 20 week scan!
We found out with our first. Tried to keep it a surprise with our second but found out by mistake. With our 3rd I was determined it be a surprise because it was our last baby (lol). The last part of my labour was fast and furious, going from 5cm to delivery in about 30mins so I think I was kind of in shock. When he was born and handed to me oh kept saying 'it's a baby boy, it's a baby boy'. I was thinking, yeah a baby what did you expect! It took me ages to twig he was saying it was a BOY! To be honest it wasn't really the huge moment I was expecting, more just oh yeah, cool a boy. I think I was just glad it was over and I was holding a baby! So this time we have decided to find out. I am quite looking forward to finding out at the scan and it gives me something to look forward to during this awful sickness. It will be practical too because we already have 2 boys and a girl so it will give us more chance to think about how to sort their rooms and clothes etc. I know lots of people love the surprise though.
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Defo finding out at 15 week gender scan lol I am far too impatient!!found out early with my daughter too. This time it makes practical sense to find out early as I have a lot of girly stuff that I will sell to buy boy stuff if it’s a boy lol! Xx
I don't know if we will find out the sex. They don't tell you at routine scans here although in my last pregnancy I got loads of scans and the lady showed me between the legs so I knew what sex the baby was, she couldn't confirm as they are not allowed. My husband didn't want to know so I kept it to myself until she was born.
I think my husband would quite like a boy this time but I don't mind either way so may keep it a surprise, unless it's obvious at one of the scans.

I always had in my head what I thought they were and was right every time so it's never really felt like a huge surprise at birth to be honest.
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Ok, looking to create the December Bumpers group on FB today so anyone that is ready to join us, just PM me your email address or name (with some hint as to what your profile photo looks like or I'll end up adding the wrong folks, lol!). In a couple of weeks I might see if the January lot want to join us so that we can have some decent numbers. It'll be nice to keep in contact after our babbies are here as well so that we can give each other a hand as and when we need it!!

It'll be a secret group so no randoms will be joining us!
Wolfmamma I’ll definitely be joining the group in a couple of week once I’ve had the scan and all friends and extended family know!!
Awesome, well it's by invite only so just let me know your details once you're ready!!

I look forward to it!
Ooh yes I love my Jan 2017 mummies group and prefer fab to here as tapatalk is dodgy on my phone lol xx

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