Here is a picture of the scan. I'm so in love.
Here is a picture of the scan. I'm so in love.
Here is a picture of the scan. I'm so in love.
Oh what a chubby little face!!! Yay!!
Here is a picture of the scan. I'm so in love.
Amazing u r due the same day as me now!
Here is a picture of the scan. I'm so in love.
Amazing u r due the same day as me now!
Ah that's brilliant! When have you got your scan I have another one booked in two weeks. I've been in awe all day seeing him/her waving and moving their feet I'm speechless
Here is a picture of the scan. I'm so in love.
Went to toddler group today and one for the mums brought her daughter whos about 1 who had/has chicken pox, her face was spotty but they were dry scabs. Ive had it but my 2 year hasnt. Ive looked on line and now Im panicking thinking I should of taken us both home?!
Here is a picture of the scan. I'm so in love.
Amazing u r due the same day as me now!
Ah that's brilliant! When have you got your scan I have another one booked in two weeks. I've been in awe all day seeing him/her waving and moving their feet I'm speechless
Mine is on the 4th June so 13 days to go lol. I'm the same it's weird to see how much it was moving and not feel anything. What date is ur next scan? After the twelve week scan I'm going to book gender scan for 16 weeks x
Ahh, Hmmm - my NHS scan is on the same day as yours - the 5th! Yay!
Got a private one on the 2nd & blood test.
Bit nervous now because i've been having strong cramps & a dodgy stomach for 24 hours now. Hope it is not related to pregnancy and just a bug.... not sure how to tell x