******December Mummies 2018******

It's normal to overthink things, I do it all the time!
And I find it hard to think there's a baby in there too! I've put on 1 pound.. (not that that's a bad thing as I'm not exactly a bean pole).. my stomach doesn't feel hard, don't think that happens till later on..

Get off Google, it will do you no good. We are all here for you to vent!
It's normal to overthink things, I do it all the time!
And I find it hard to think there's a baby in there too! I've put on 1 pound.. (not that that's a bad thing as I'm not exactly a bean pole).. my stomach doesn't feel hard, don't think that happens till later on..

Get off Google, it will do you no good. We are all here for you to vent!

Thank you so much for putting up with me. Even my DH is being good with me which is rare as he is usually very impatient with my emotional nature!

I am going to listen to my favourite Eurovision song and do some laundry!!
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I have quite a few symptoms and defo noticing my stomach being bigger but I don’t feel pregnant. I didn’t really feel pregnant with my daughter until I was huge and she was kicking but it still didn’t feel like a baby haha I used to call her my little womb pet to my husband. I couldn’t imagine her as a baby lol! Can’t imagine her being back inside now lol xx
I mean I felt pregnant symptom wise with her as was in hospital twice with hg but I didn’t ‘feel’ pregnant haha if that makes sense xx
I hope everything is okay for you tomorrow Wolfmamma, glad you've stopped bleeding that must be reassuring and pleased you're going for a scan too. Keeping everything crossed for you.

I feel the same, I don't "feel" pregnant, whatever that is supposed to feel like, just feel a bit under the weather on occasion, and bloody bloated, also tired.... i guess that IS feeling pregnant?! It's my first so who knows.

May be TMI, but anyone else constipated? Its driving me insane!
Hi again ladies

I had my scan today (10+4). We saw the little heartbeat and baby was moving their arms and legs around. I got one scan picture to take home and I can make out his/her eye, nose and mouth. I’ve been asked to go back in 10 days for another scan as the sonographer said it was a little early to give me my due date. I have my booking appointment tomorrow. I’m amazed by what I seen today! I had an early scan at 6+6 when he/she just looked like a little blob but today I got to see a baby with little features and moving limbs - it’s crazy how fast they grow. I just thought I’d update and I hope you are all keeping as well as can be x

Wow Marli that's great! Must have been amazing! Glad all well
Not constipated but things are a bit sluggish down there!!

Bleeding has stopped but it's still got me worried! I'm guessing it'd only get heavier if something was wrong but now I'm just convinced that babys heart has stopped beating!

I'm never happy!
Will be thinking of you this morning Wolfmama. Please come and let us know how it goes. x
Will be thinking of you this morning Wolfmama. Please come and let us know how it goes. x

Thank you P1ngu! I'm sure it'll be fine and it's just me being a complete worrier!

I said to my friend last night, you wouldn't believe that I've done all this before. I feel like a first timer again!!
Will be thinking of you this morning Wolfmama. Please come and let us know how it goes. x

Thank you P1ngu! I'm sure it'll be fine and it's just me being a complete worrier!

I said to my friend last night, you wouldn't believe that I've done all this before. I feel like a first timer again!!

This is my 6th and I worry too! I'm scared we'll go to the 12wk scan and something will be wrong.

I'm pleased your bleeding has stopped, that's a great sign!
WolfMamma hope the scan goes well. Look forward to an update.
Hope the scan has gone well and everything is good xxx
Scan done and baby fine (again!!).

They found the bleed and said that it's just one of those things and hopefully it'll go away!

They dated baby as 10+4 so it's definitely growing properly which is a comfort.

I hope that I can stop worrying now!

Thank you for all being so supportive.

How are you all feeling? Even though I've seen that, I'm still well exited for my 12 week scan. Even at 10 weeks it still looked a bit like a blob so looking forward to actually seeing it looking like a baby!

Now that has gone well we are going to tell my daughter today when he gets home from work :D
Scan done and baby fine (again!!).

They found the bleed and said that it's just one of those things and hopefully it'll go away!

They dated baby as 10+4 so it's definitely growing properly which is a comfort.

I hope that I can stop worrying now!

Thank you for all being so supportive.

How are you all feeling? Even though I've seen that, I'm still well exited for my 12 week scan. Even at 10 weeks it still looked a bit like a blob so looking forward to actually seeing it looking like a baby!

Now that has gone well we are going to tell my daughter today when he gets home from work :D

That's great news WolfMamma! You can relax more now. How exciting to tell your daughter! How old is she? We are going through to visit my parents this evening for dinner and will tell them our news. Excited but also nervous!
She's 7 and she's had to put up with me being ill for over a month so I'm really looking forward to telling her! She's desperate for a sibling so I think she'll be thrilled.
I'm really pleased for you WM!
Bet it was such a relief to see your baby finally!

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