******December Mummies 2018******

Hi everyone. I don't know if anyone else gets this, but recently if I sit up too quickly or get out of bed the wrong angle I end up feeling a sharp pain in my side as if I've pulled a muscle.. it's only for a couple of seconds and then it goes, and doesn't show up any other time.. what could
This be?
Hi everyone. I don't know if anyone else gets this, but recently if I sit up too quickly or get out of bed the wrong angle I end up feeling a sharp pain in my side as if I've pulled a muscle.. it's only for a couple of seconds and then it goes, and doesn't show up any other time.. what could
This be?

I get this too!! I think it’s over stretching slightly and almost pulling a muscle?! I get it mainly if I stretch out in the morning or something similar. I guess everything’s over sensitive in that sort of area at the moment
Sounds like round ligament pain. The ligaments that will be around your bump have to loosen to allow room for growth. The pregnancy hormones cause them to relax but as a result it's really easy to overstretch them. Sometimes the smallest wrong movement makes it feel like you were stabbed with a knife.
WolfMamma so so happy for you! I've been signed off for a week with Hyperemis not managing to eat or drink much :( hope everyone else is doing well
WolfMamma so so happy for you! I've been signed off for a week with Hyperemis not managing to eat or drink much :( hope everyone else is doing well

Sorry you are having a tough time. I find the only way of drinking enough is to take water to bed and drink it when I wake up in the night, then go back to sleep before I throw it up, lol.
Wonderful news Wolfmamma, thats great! I bet your daughter will be so pleased.

xxfxx, omg I have the same thing! If I reach for something at a weird angle or move awkwardly then I get that same feeling. Good, glad its normal!

Hmmm, sorry to hear you're not well and have been signed off. Get lots of rest and hopefully you'll be feeling better soon xx
Now I have a rotten cold as if the sickness wasn't enough. Last pregnancy we managed to arrange a nurse to do iv fluids at home. Thinking we need to start that again because I don't think I'm getting quite enough water down, and definitely not enough food.
WolfMamma so so happy for you! I've been signed off for a week with Hyperemis not managing to eat or drink much :( hope everyone else is doing well

Sorry you are having a tough time. I find the only way of drinking enough is to take water to bed and drink it when I wake up in the night, then go back to sleep before I throw it up, lol.

I've been drinking orange juice and appletizer as that's all I've been fancying. Will try have it next to my bed though! All I've been doing is sleeping and still exhausted. I keep saying to baby how come you are so small but causing so much havoc :shock:
Hi everyone. I don't know if anyone else gets this, but recently if I sit up too quickly or get out of bed the wrong angle I end up feeling a sharp pain in my side as if I've pulled a muscle.. it's only for a couple of seconds and then it goes, and doesn't show up any other time.. what could
This be?

Oh God I get this! If I twist weirdly it feels like I've been stabbed in the gut!
It's reassuring to hear that it's normal and others are experiencing it too!

Bunny that sucks, hope you're feeling better soon!
Bunny I'm sorry to hear you're so ill. I hope you can get IV fluids arranged and don't have to end up in hospital.

Nothing much new happening here. Still nauseous on and off but haven't been sick yet, which is a welcome change for me as I am usually very sick when pregnant.
Got another scan tomorrow girls I’ll be 10 weeks fingers and toes crossed. Hopefully I’ll get a picture this time.
Got a child free day today so been in bed sleeping pretty much all day so far! My sickness is starting to get worse rather than better? With my daughter I was in hospital by 6 weeks and then it would horrendous up until 10 weeks then slowly got a little better and I came off meds at 16 weeks and just had sickness in the morning after that till 24 weeks. I started my meds at like 4 weeks this time and added more in a couple weeks after that but starting to feel worse. There is miles less vomiting than with her , I’m sick a few times a day rather than 40,50 times and I couldn’t even walk with her so they have obviously made the world of difference, but smells are starting to bother me loads this week and I think that’s making me feel worse. Not sure if my iron may be low too as feel achy everywhere and restless legs already and dizzy. Hopefully it’s just a normal thing and doesn’t mean it’s going to get as bad as it did with her, seems late to start being that bad now?? I take tablets every 6 hours so surely it won’t! Xx
I'm so sorry you're suffering so badly. Im only just starting to feel properly human again now. Smells still affect me though....

I hope we all get to experience pregnancy glow soon!! I'm desperate for a bump now!
I don’t think I ever glowed with my daughter haha I loved having a bump though. I love the way they look in clothes and feel so much more confident with a bump! I can’t wait to get into second tri so can start getting excited rather than worrying about miscarriage! I can’t wait for meeting them and having a newborn again! Feeling poorly is easier to manage in a way I suppose this time as I know it ends now and how worth it it is. It’s just crazy something so tiny can make us soooo poorly isn’t it!! Feel super lucky if all goes ok with this baby as took 3 years for my successful pregnancy with my daughter! Just over a year for this one but half of that was just ntnp really. X
Ahh Bunny & millielaura so sorry to see you’re still struggling with this sickness and being ill on top of it! Can’t be easy.
Crossing fingers it calms for you soon.

Great news Kelly re scan. Let us know how it goes!

I’ve got my booking appointment tommorrow woohoo! Although right bang in the middle of the royal wedding- whoops! I’m excited for both actually lol
Hi ladies. We told my parents on Wednesday night. We gave them a box from the White Company kids section which said "the Little White Company" on the outside lid. Mum twigged straight away and burst into tears! Haha. Dont think dad had a clue what was going on until they opened it. We put a pair of little furry booties inside with a scan picture. They are delighted, wish i had filmed it.
Haha Allybally my hormones are so bad atm I’m crying reading that lol! How sweet! It must be amazing finding out your daughter is having a baby lol I’m crying loads at the thought of mine telling me in future. Haha bloody hormones xx

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