******December Mummies 2018******

Sorry you are having a hard time today. I get the excessive saliva too. How many weeks are you?
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I'm 10+3 now. Been In bed most of the day. I hate complaining as I'm over the moon to be pregnant just so drained.
Hope everyone is feeling ok and sorry to those struggling with nausea. I have my GP appointment tomorrow for an anti sickness tablet. Have actually felt a bit better the past couple of days but going to get them anyway to have just in case!
Scan went well ladies! I'm at work just now and can't seem to upload a photo from my phone. Saw a lovely fluttering heartbeat!!! They dated me 2 days ahead at 8+3 xxx

Woo, fab news congratulations!!xx
Starting to feel much better recently. Nausea seems to really be on the way out - Does that seem ok for 10 weeks? I don't have many other symptoms really apart from sore boobs and the occasional migraine. I guess I'm a bit more tired than normal but that seems to be easing too....

I'm back to being worried!!

Still no scan date, hopefully will come through this week.
WolfMamma, I'm on tablets for my sickness but it was still there even after taking them.. for the last few days it has eased off a lot compared to how it was before.. I am very tired on and off though have to keep having naps in thenday haha! Hope your letter comes soon!
WolfMamma, I'm on tablets for my sickness but it was still there even after taking them.. for the last few days it has eased off a lot compared to how it was before.. I am very tired on and off though have to keep having naps in thenday haha! Hope your letter comes soon!

I'm using you as my yardstick seeing as we are due the same time!! You need to get that ticker fixed, it keeps confusing me, lol!!

Fingers crossed that everything is ok :)
Morning ladies!

Hmm I struggle with saliva too. It's gross, i spit it out if I am in the bathroom or kitchen, so glamorous! My sickness has eased a little but I still feel bad most of the time.

I had my booking appointment yesterday. Everything has changed since 5 years ago. It's all on computer, no notes to carry around. Got my scan appointment, it's the 12th of June, feels like a lifetime away! The MW is estimating my due date as Dec 21st but that could change. They want me on aspirin from 12 weeks, has anyone else had to take it? She also said I will get growth scans and scans to check the bloodflow in the cord and twice weekly heart trace thing from 28 weeks onwards! It seems a lot but it's good that they will be vigilant due to past problems. The MWs here work in teams now too which means I will only ever see the 3 in my team for routine appointments. That has to be a good thing because last time I saw someone different almost every time and had to keep explaining my problems.
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I've tried to add a ticker but I can't see it on my posts. Hopefully it will show up soon.
Is anyone showing yet? Pretty sure I am! I was fatter than with my daughter to start with but now I can’t even suck it in lol and feels firmer lower down. Not sure how long I can hide it lol xx
Is anyone showing yet? Pretty sure I am! I was fatter than with my daughter to start with but now I can’t even suck it in lol and feels firmer lower down. Not sure how long I can hide it lol xx

I'm a bit thicker around the waist than I was but then I had a fair bit of excess from my daughter. I'm not skinny as it is so it's very hard to tell what is baby and what is me.

Sometimes if I'm lying on my back in bed I can poke just above my pubic bone and it feels hard but nothing else apart from that sadly :(
Got my scan on the 22nd so excited. That's what's keeping me going through this sickness. Wish I wasn't in work today I'm on the brink of tears I'm that exhausted and feeling sick. Midwife said to ring GP to get anti-sickness tablets so hopefully that will help. WolfMamma hopefully you will get your scan date through soon!
Morning everyone!

Wolfmamma I wouldn’t worry, I’ve had zero sickness at all. And seeing all the posts on here I’m trying to keep reminding myself that maybe I’m one of the lucky ones (although I am very worried about it)

Got my first midwife appointment on Thursday. 😁
Been prescribed anti sickness and they want to check if I have ketosis too. Trying not to worry too much. Wish I had baby in my arms now but I'm sure I will still be a worrier then too ��
I have finally changed ticker haha!

Hope everyone's feeling ok today.
I think around 10 weeks is quite typical for sickness to start getting better for lots of ladies. Something about the placenta taking over hormone production.
The sensible part of me suggests that it might be that, the terrified little girl in me wants to cry because I'm convinced I don't feel pregnant any more.

What a roller coaster.
It's the problem with sickness, you can't win! Or you feel rubbish or you are worrying about why you don't.
Hi again ladies

I had my scan today (10+4). We saw the little heartbeat and baby was moving their arms and legs around. I got one scan picture to take home and I can make out his/her eye, nose and mouth. I’ve been asked to go back in 10 days for another scan as the sonographer said it was a little early to give me my due date. I have my booking appointment tomorrow. I’m amazed by what I seen today! I had an early scan at 6+6 when he/she just looked like a little blob but today I got to see a baby with little features and moving limbs - it’s crazy how fast they grow. I just thought I’d update and I hope you are all keeping as well as can be x
Wow so jealous! Bet that was amazing. Have you got a pic of the scan?

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