******December Mummies 2018******

Ladies who don't get sick, please try and enjoy it! I have been in bed with severe sickness since 5 weeks and have lost 20lbs already. It is truly awful! On a positive note I have just started on ondansetron and it is helping.
Just had my midwife booking appointment. She was lovely. Unfortunately she couldn't prescribe me an anti sickness but I'm actually feeling a bit better today, so think I'll hold off seeing my GP. I've got my 8 week private scan tomorrow morning. Feeling anxious!
Ladies who don't get sick, please try and enjoy it! I have been in bed with severe sickness since 5 weeks and have lost 20lbs already. It is truly awful! On a positive note I have just started on ondansetron and it is helping.

Gosh BunnyN, how awful for you :-( did you have sickness like this with all of your pregnancies? Really hope it calms for you soon now you’re on meds xx
Ahh good luck for tomorrow AllyBally! Exciting!! Glad you’re feeling a bit better x
Ladies who don't get sick, please try and enjoy it! I have been in bed with severe sickness since 5 weeks and have lost 20lbs already. It is truly awful! On a positive note I have just started on ondansetron and it is helping.

I feel for you Bunny. You must feel so drained! 20lbs is crazy! Glad ondansetron seems to be working!

Ally that's annoying, but glad you're feeling a bit better.. good luck with scan bet you're so excited!
Supposed to have a meeting with my manager this morning as was going to tell him was all psyched up and ready and he didn't turn up! Hopefuly track him down later to let him know. Any one else told their work yet? How did they take it? I'm young so worried about being judged
Oh Bunny I'm so sorry :(

Ally, we want piccies!! Can't wait to see baby bean!
Supposed to have a meeting with my manager this morning as was going to tell him was all psyched up and ready and he didn't turn up! Hopefuly track him down later to let him know. Any one else told their work yet? How did they take it? I'm young so worried about being judged

How annoying!!

I told my line manager at work. My job is a front line role so I had to tell them immediately because I couldn’t do it while being pregnant. They’ve been as good as gold and found me a busy office job (still doing shifts though unfortunately!!)
I've told my supervisor as I had to leave my shift early but have not bothered informing my HR dept yet as I work from home via the PC so no health and safety concerns bar having migraines from looking at my scree at night.

Once I have had my scan, I will make it public :)
I'm just so nervous as had time off recently for anxiety I don't want them to think that I am young and uncapable also I have only work here for 6 months and on a temporary contract so I'm so scared they will dismiss me and use my job stress as an excuse. Definitely telling them today will let you all know hopefully just after lunch!
I'm just so nervous as had time off recently for anxiety I don't want them to think that I am young and uncapable also I have only work here for 6 months and on a temporary contract so I'm so scared they will dismiss me and use my job stress as an excuse. Definitely telling them today will let you all know hopefully just after lunch!

I hope it goes well. x
Ladies who don't get sick, please try and enjoy it! I have been in bed with severe sickness since 5 weeks and have lost 20lbs already. It is truly awful! On a positive note I have just started on ondansetron and it is helping.

Gosh BunnyN, how awful for you :-( did you have sickness like this with all of your pregnancies? Really hope it calms for you soon now you’re on meds xx

I had it my 1st pregnancy but for a much shorter time. My second and 3rd pregnancies I had nasty morning sickness but was still able to eat and keep doing stuff. Sadly my 3rd ended in a loss. My last pregnancy I had the severe sickness from 7 weeks. This is the earliest it started.

It's not like I can't afford to loose 20lbs as I am tall and overweight but it's not exactly the recommended way of going about it.
I’m glad ondansetron is helping bunny! I was in hospital by 6+1 with my daughter...it’s crazy how early it can start can’t it! This time I started being sick before missed AF but thought I was just I’ll until I tested at 15dpo then I rung the doctors straight away for meds as could not do it again! And luckily it has made a huge difference ! Feel for you it’s horrific :(
Bunny Do you have someone to help with your other children? My parents don’t live near and mother in law is only free a few days a week so I was really panicking I’d be the same this time round cause there is no way I could of looked after her if it was like last time. Or do they do to nursery etc? Xx
Told work he was very shocked but supportive I can now relax!
Had my booking in appointment yesterday, will be consultant led this time but at the moment I’m still low risk, may change once midwife has spoken to the hospital. I will however be on a antibiotic drip as soon as labour starts this time as my son tested positive for GBS.
It all still doesn’t feel real, but hoping once I have my scan date it’ll be a bit more of a reality.
Think as well the excitement isn’t there also is because I don’t actually have to buy anything this time round as I have it all, except new bottles and some muslins ��
Well I got rid of most of my baby stuff because I felt like keeping it would jinx it and stop us conceiving so now I have to go and rebuy haha. My daughters nearly 16 months I prob should of kept more lol!! Xx
Told work he was very shocked but supportive I can now relax!

Well done, at least that’s over and done with now! One less thing to think about.

I’m worried about telling work too but I’ll cross that bridge beginning of June after my 3 month scan, eeek!
Hi all,

Sending hugs to those suffering with sickness and nausea.
I've got my scan date through - June 4th, at which point I'll be 13+3 - didn't think I'd have to wait quite that long so I'm a little disappointed.

Does anyone have any tips on dressing to hide bump? I feel my weight gain is getting noticeable but luckily it just looks like I've been a bit indulgent, rather than a bump! I work in a big open plan office and I don't want to tell work until I'm relatively far along.

Also, my book says that at this stage, boobs will be getting sore so I should wear a softer bra at night? I have never worn a bra at night! Is this normal? Haha!

I'm also finding the tiredness really debilitating and nearly fell asleep at my desk yesterday. :-(

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
My scan is 15th June!! I will be 13+3 too going off the new dates of the scan or 14+3 going off AF dates , I thought I knew when I ovulated but scan is likely to be more accurate do you think?
Oh god I’ve had a blocked nose for a few weeks and it’s gone and today I’ve woken up with sickness so much worse!! I’m scared! I can’t afford to get how I was with my daughter again cause I need to be able to look after her xx

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