******December Mummies 2018******

Just had my booking in appointment. I'm consultant led this time because of my previous 3rd degree tear :-/

Nothing else interesting, just got to wait for my scan letter now!!

That's what I'm waiting for. You feeling better you've been to see midwife now? I'm consultant led too, still not sure what it means but guess will get more support.
O use r making me shiver with talks of tearing! I had an episiotomy and unfortunately they stitched me up wrong so had to go in a year after she was born to be cut again and restitched, thankfully because of this I am getting sectioned this time. I told them anyone tries to come near my southern range with scissors again I will scream haha x
Millie glad ur scan went well that must be so reassuring. Not long until the 12 week scans start. I do think it's going in quite quickly
Xxfxx awww I used to be same about labour before my daughter. Tearing was like my biggest fear it really cringed me out. The stitches do hurt after but not everyone tears and it’s so worth it :). I had the induction drip and it was so much more painful than I imagined but I got an epidural and you defo forget it lol! I am a little nervous to be in that much pain again but getting to hold them for the first time is just amazing! I can’t wait for that again so I’m defo more excited about labour than scared this time! Xx
Had my scan today! Measuring a week behind but other than that all looked perfect with baby so she said dates may just be a little off.

Ouch wolf mamma , I only had a second degree year and found that painful enough afterwards! Hoping I won’t tear this time. I only pushed for 11 mins with my daughter so I was lucky to only have second degree tear! My midwife said second labours pushing can be faster, yikes!!!

I'm getting frightened of the sound of labour all this talk about tearing! Haha.. bet it was amazing to see your little bean on the scan, I measured a week
Behind when I had my scan also!

I didn't tear with any of my 5 babies. I thought I had with my 4th as her head literally shot out, it was so painful! She was teeny though so no damage done.

If you've had a quick pushing stage before beware! My 1st was maybe 10 mins and all other babies have been 1 or 2 pushes and they were born 🤣
That's the thing as unpleasant as it sounds, would rather that happen and baby be safely out! I am starting to get a bit more excited now as my anti sickness tablets seems to be working. 😀 Does anyone else get hot really easily at the moment? If I say I'm hot at work they all think I've gone mad haha.
Oh my pingu! Yeah midwife said it’s often quicker! My daughter was 11 mins and about 6 pushes lol! We are meant to be moving a bit further from the hospital too haha having visions of them coming in the car if I went in late haha!!
I had a small tear with my 1st but was surprised that it was not particularly painful after. I didn't tear at all with my other two even though my 2nd was 11lbs.
Yikes 11lbs!! I don’t think a baby that size would fit in me lol I’m only 5 foot 2 and my daughter was 7lbs 8 and even fully engaged her feet where all up in my ribs still lol! Are you tall bunny? Or was your bump huge? I can’t wait to have a baby g bump again even though it gets really uncomfortable lol!
Eeee, I can't wait to have a bump.

I really am hoping that this pregnancy is more pleasant than my last one. I want to enjoy being pregnant, not suffer through it....

Just crossing my fingers for 12 weeks now. I hope we all get to see our little, wiggly jellybeans safe and sound!
Just had my booking in appointment. I'm consultant led this time because of my previous 3rd degree tear :-/

Nothing else interesting, just got to wait for my scan letter now!!

That's what I'm waiting for. You feeling better you've been to see midwife now? I'm consultant led too, still not sure what it means but guess will get more support.

I'm not really feeling better, it was just all paperwork. Pretty standard stuff.

I declined the downs testing though, it doesn't matter to me how it comes. I'll love it anyway!
Yikes 11lbs!! I don’t think a baby that size would fit in me lol I’m only 5 foot 2 and my daughter was 7lbs 8 and even fully engaged her feet where all up in my ribs still lol! Are you tall bunny? Or was your bump huge? I can’t wait to have a baby g bump again even though it gets really uncomfortable lol!

I am 5 foot 8 so pretty tall. My bump was massive too mind you. Loads of people asked if it was twins, lol.
I really am hoping that this pregnancy is more pleasant than my last one. I want to enjoy being pregnant, not suffer through it....

I have thought that each pregnancy. This time I have kind of resigned myself to the fact I am never exactly going to sail through pregnancy. So just going to try and make the most of the good bits. After being so sick this time, this is definitely our last, lol.
Me too! I struggled so much third tri last time with pain in my pelvis and hips and super fast heart rate too! It got into the 150s! Don’t miss the heartburn either arghh I remember that being so bad haha! Is it true you feel Brixton hicks earlier each time? I had SO many of them from 23 weeks with my daughter! Used to get them every time I walked and sometimes would get them for hours on an eve! And I see loads say they got them earlier with their second!! Surely they won’t come earlier than 23 week? I think I probably had a lot and had them early for a first time mum? Xx
Hi all,

Just wondered if anyone has their dating scan appt through yet? I'm 9+5 today and waiting on mine but midwife just referred me last week so I'm not overly concerned.
I have been to the Obstetrics Dept for initial appointments as I have hypothyroidism. The weird thing is that the Obstetrician only wants to see me every eight weeks but I have an appointment to see her next week?
I'm 9+3 and saw midwife Friday and waiting for my letter.. I'd imagine it will be with you very soon: 😀
Girls I am really struggling. The nausea has really hit me over the past week. I'm not actually vomiting but i have constant nausea throughout the entire day. I'm working shifts at the moment- 2pm til 11pm and it's a nightmare. When i get home my OH is asleep and I'm just feeling so sick and emotional. I know i should be happy I have symptoms but I'm not. I've been randomly bursting into tears, especially on the drive home. My midwife appointment is on friday so I'm really hoping she will be able to give me an anti sickness prescription- can they do that?! Sorry to be a right moan, but at the moment with my shifts there's no one else to really speak to about it.
Girls I am really struggling. The nausea has really hit me over the past week. I'm not actually vomiting but i have constant nausea throughout the entire day. I'm working shifts at the moment- 2pm til 11pm and it's a nightmare. When i get home my OH is asleep and I'm just feeling so sick and emotional. I know i should be happy I have symptoms but I'm not. I've been randomly bursting into tears, especially on the drive home. My midwife appointment is on friday so I'm really hoping she will be able to give me an anti sickness prescription- can they do that?! Sorry to be a right moan, but at the moment with my shifts there's no one else to really speak to about it.

I think you need to see your GP as midwives don't give prescriptions.

I'm sorry you're feeling crap. I was exactly the same and still am from time to time. We just have to push through it I'm afraid!
Girls I am really struggling. The nausea has really hit me over the past week. I'm not actually vomiting but i have constant nausea throughout the entire day. I'm working shifts at the moment- 2pm til 11pm and it's a nightmare. When i get home my OH is asleep and I'm just feeling so sick and emotional. I know i should be happy I have symptoms but I'm not. I've been randomly bursting into tears, especially on the drive home. My midwife appointment is on friday so I'm really hoping she will be able to give me an anti sickness prescription- can they do that?! Sorry to be a right moan, but at the moment with my shifts there's no one else to really speak to about it.

My GP prescribed me cyxliine which didn't work too well and last week midwife prescribed me Metoclopramide.. I feel so much better, still nauseous now and then and sometimes sick but nowhere like it was before.. it does make you feel miserable and fed up I have been there.. talk to your midwife about it on Friday.
Girls I am really struggling. The nausea has really hit me over the past week. I'm not actually vomiting but i have constant nausea throughout the entire day. I'm working shifts at the moment- 2pm til 11pm and it's a nightmare. When i get home my OH is asleep and I'm just feeling so sick and emotional. I know i should be happy I have symptoms but I'm not. I've been randomly bursting into tears, especially on the drive home. My midwife appointment is on friday so I'm really hoping she will be able to give me an anti sickness prescription- can they do that?! Sorry to be a right moan, but at the moment with my shifts there's no one else to really speak to about it.

My GP prescribed me cyxliine which didn't work too well and last week midwife prescribed me Metoclopramide.. I feel so much better, still nauseous now and then and sometimes sick but nowhere like it was before.. it does make you feel miserable and fed up I have been there.. talk to your midwife about it on Friday.

Thanks, I couldn't get a GP appointment until end of next week. I know some midwives prescribe so I'm hoping mine can give me something tomorrow! How are you feeling now?

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