******December Mummies 2018******

Well I have been in work every day this week and have only been sick Monday and this morning.. before it was constant so it is a great improvement! Don't get me
Wrong, I still feel nauseous sometimes but it's so much better than it was and I'm feeling more human! It does make such a difference.
AllyBally i'm really struggling with sickness too. I just want it to be over! :(

I'm going to phone the MW unit today to arrange a booking in appointment, I'm kind of dreading it. They'll be thinking not her again ��
Cyxliine made me super dizzy, Metoclopramide helped me stop throwing up for a couple of hrs after I take it but I don't actually feel better. Now I am about to try zophran (ondansetron). I hate taking drugs during pregnancy, especially as the zophran is in a higher risk class but my sickness is so severe it is a struggle to keep hydrated and to eat anything at all.
I’m really struggling with anxiety since my scan. It feels like more to lose now . I don’t know how I am going to cope till my 12 week scan . Why can’t we just skip this bit argh!! With my daughter she had so many reduced movements at the end that I never felt not anxious until they handed her to me! I’m feeling so impatient and we have so so long left I just want my baby here safe now! Anyone else? I have had losses in the past which always makes things more scary , but I also suffer with anxiety in general anyway and the two added together I find pregnancy so worrying! I was ok till the scan like I was trying not to get too attached and now I am .xx
I think the only good thing about being so sick is that it doesn't leave me much strength to worry. At the moment I am just wishing the next 6 weeks would be over!
Just got my scan through Monday 21st May at 12.10 😀
I was the same with my daughter bunny. I think it’s the only thing that stopped me being this anxious! Xx
I had problems with the growth of my last 2, although all of mine have been small. My 2 girls had reduced movements etc. With my 1st girl I felt something was wrong but they kept telling me all was fine, she had seriously reduced movements and was born at 37wks weighing 4lb 2oz. The doctor at delivery said she wasn't moving because she was using all the energy to just keep herself alive and if I had went full term he thought she almost certainly wouldn't have been alive at birth :( I worried all of my last pregnancy and ended up in hospital for the last few weeks and she was also small so I can totally understand the worries!

I have to go to the maternity ward on Sunday for my booking appointment. Went in past today to pick up my booking pack. It feels a bit more real now. The MW I spoke to remembered me and was lovely. She was so positive about having the baby even though it wasn't planned.
AllyBally i'm really struggling with sickness too. I just want it to be over! :(

I'm going to phone the MW unit today to arrange a booking in appointment, I'm kind of dreading it. They'll be thinking not her again ��

It's awful isn't it. I Just went to the supermarket and almost had a breakdown in front of the checkout lady because she asked me what was wrong. I must be looking rough haha! Just feel so frustrated that i have no energy and feeling constantly sick. I'm super emotional too and cry at just about anything. 8 weeks tomorrow. Someone please tell me it gets better..!
I had problems with the growth of my last 2, although all of mine have been small. My 2 girls had reduced movements etc. With my 1st girl I felt something was wrong but they kept telling me all was fine, she had seriously reduced movements and was born at 37wks weighing 4lb 2oz. The doctor at delivery said she wasn't moving because she was using all the energy to just keep herself alive and if I had went full term he thought she almost certainly wouldn't have been alive at birth :( I worried all of my last pregnancy and ended up in hospital for the last few weeks and she was also small so I can totally understand the worries!

I have to go to the maternity ward on Sunday for my booking appointment. Went in past today to pick up my booking pack. It feels a bit more real now. The MW I spoke to remembered me and was lovely. She was so positive about having the baby even though it wasn't planned.

Wow, I don't blame you for being worried. That is quite scary. What a wee thing. She must have been so cute. That's less than half the size of my smallest, lol. I am surprised they didn't notice anything was wrong with her being that small.

Glad the MW was nice. It makes such a difference. I had a really snooty doctor with my second who kept making comments about how my pregnancies were too close. Our 1st was just under a year when I got pregnant so they were close but I didn't think it was THAT close. I didn't go back to her.
I had problems with the growth of my last 2, although all of mine have been small. My 2 girls had reduced movements etc. With my 1st girl I felt something was wrong but they kept telling me all was fine, she had seriously reduced movements and was born at 37wks weighing 4lb 2oz. The doctor at delivery said she wasn't moving because she was using all the energy to just keep herself alive and if I had went full term he thought she almost certainly wouldn't have been alive at birth :( I worried all of my last pregnancy and ended up in hospital for the last few weeks and she was also small so I can totally understand the worries!

I have to go to the maternity ward on Sunday for my booking appointment. Went in past today to pick up my booking pack. It feels a bit more real now. The MW I spoke to remembered me and was lovely. She was so positive about having the baby even though it wasn't planned.

Wow, I don't blame you for being worried. That is quite scary. What a wee thing. She must have been so cute. That's less than half the size of my smallest, lol. I am surprised they didn't notice anything was wrong with her being that small.

Glad the MW was nice. It makes such a difference. I had a really snooty doctor with my second who kept making comments about how my pregnancies were too close. Our 1st was just under a year when I got pregnant so they were close but I didn't think it was THAT close. I didn't go back to her.

There's 1 doctor at our surgery who makes horrible remarks all the time. I actually dread going incase I have to see her!

My biggest was 7lb 3 which is still small compared to most people I know, they all seem to have 8lb + babies but I wouldn't like anybody mine to be much bigger than 7lbs!

My sickness has eased a bit today and my boobs don't seem so sore which is a bit concerning. I know some people's symptoms can fluctuate so hoping it's just that.
Morning girls.

Still no sickness for me and I’m really worried about it now because I’m 7+3. I don’t really have any symptoms apart from sore boobs and tiredness - but I work shifts, a mixture of early, late and nights so I’m ALWAYS exhausted anyway 😂

I’ve been cramping a bit the last day or so, which happened to me quite badly a few weeks ago (although an early internal scan showed everything as being fine) but I’m really worried now. Fingers crossed everything’s going to be okay 😞
Morning ladies.

Feeling really crappy this morning. Tired, headache, nausea, bad dreams. Feel miserable :(

Sorry to moan!
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Morning girls.

Still no sickness for me and I’m really worried about it now because I’m 7+3. I don’t really have any symptoms apart from sore boobs and tiredness - but I work shifts, a mixture of early, late and nights so I’m ALWAYS exhausted anyway 😂

I’ve been cramping a bit the last day or so, which happened to me quite badly a few weeks ago (although an early internal scan showed everything as being fine) but I’m really worried now. Fingers crossed everything’s going to be okay 😞

Some lucky people just don't get sick.

I thought mine had eased off yesterday but it's back today.
Morning ladies.

Feeling really crappy this morning. Tired, headache, nausea, bad dreams. Feel miserable :(

Sorry to moan!

You must have been replying at the same time as me because didn't see this before.

Sorry to hear that, I felt similar yesterday. My whole head and neck were sore by bedtime and I had a really bad dream about my best friend going missing. Vivid dreams are normal in pregnancy, I've had some super strange ones at times.
Morning girls.

Still no sickness for me and I’m really worried about it now because I’m 7+3. I don’t really have any symptoms apart from sore boobs and tiredness - but I work shifts, a mixture of early, late and nights so I’m ALWAYS exhausted anyway 😂

I’ve been cramping a bit the last day or so, which happened to me quite badly a few weeks ago (although an early internal scan showed everything as being fine) but I’m really worried now. Fingers crossed everything’s going to be okay 😞

Some lucky people just don't get sick.

I thought mine had eased off yesterday but it's back today.

Oh no is it?

I guess I should count myself lucky for now. But as the cramps are back, I can’t help but worry
Morning girls.

Still no sickness for me and I’m really worried about it now because I’m 7+3. I don’t really have any symptoms apart from sore boobs and tiredness - but I work shifts, a mixture of early, late and nights so I’m ALWAYS exhausted anyway 😂

I’ve been cramping a bit the last day or so, which happened to me quite badly a few weeks ago (although an early internal scan showed everything as being fine) but I’m really worried now. Fingers crossed everything’s going to be okay 😞

Hiya, ahh Stephx I’m exactly the same as you! Not been sick once, used to get waves of feeling slightly sick (like as if hungover) but then it would disappear. That’s gone. Or I’m 8 weeks and all I’ve got is sore nips and the occasional cramp/twinge.
Like you crossing fingers all is okay. Is so hard isn’t it not being able to know?! X
Morning girls.

Still no sickness for me and I’m really worried about it now because I’m 7+3. I don’t really have any symptoms apart from sore boobs and tiredness - but I work shifts, a mixture of early, late and nights so I’m ALWAYS exhausted anyway 😂

I’ve been cramping a bit the last day or so, which happened to me quite badly a few weeks ago (although an early internal scan showed everything as being fine) but I’m really worried now. Fingers crossed everything’s going to be okay 😞

Hiya, ahh Stephx I’m exactly the same as you! Not been sick once, used to get waves of feeling slightly sick (like as if hungover) but then it would disappear. That’s gone. Or I’m 8 weeks and all I’ve got is sore nips and the occasional cramp/twinge.
Like you crossing fingers all is okay. Is so hard isn’t it not being able to know?! X

Firecracker make me feel better someone is in the same boat!!

I have completely lost my appetite and have to force myself to eat something.. it’s amazing how everyone can be so diffferent.

I’ve got my midwife appointment next week, just trying to relax till then!

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