I had problems with the growth of my last 2, although all of mine have been small. My 2 girls had reduced movements etc. With my 1st girl I felt something was wrong but they kept telling me all was fine, she had seriously reduced movements and was born at 37wks weighing 4lb 2oz. The doctor at delivery said she wasn't moving because she was using all the energy to just keep herself alive and if I had went full term he thought she almost certainly wouldn't have been alive at birth

I worried all of my last pregnancy and ended up in hospital for the last few weeks and she was also small so I can totally understand the worries!
I have to go to the maternity ward on Sunday for my booking appointment. Went in past today to pick up my booking pack. It feels a bit more real now. The MW I spoke to remembered me and was lovely. She was so positive about having the baby even though it wasn't planned.