******December Mummies 2018******

Hi everyone

Could I be added to the 6th December please? I’m 9+4 today with my first. We had been TTC for around 2 years with no success, so I’m still kind of in shock that it eventually happened naturally. I was extremely dizzy at the 5 week mark and that, along with a late AF, is what made me test. I had an early scan and 6+6 due to cramping and we seen a heartbeat and the baby’s measurements were bang on. My chest has been very tender/swollen and I’ve been very hungry but apart from that, no other symptoms. My booking appointment is towards the end of this month and my “first” scan is due on 1st June. Congratulations and good luck to all of you! Hope you all don’t mind me joining and I look forward to chatting x
Welcome Marli, congratulations and welcome!

Hope all is well P1ngu x
Welcome Marli, congratulations and welcome!

Hope all is well P1ngu x
p1ngu - how is the spotting now?

It has stopped. Wondering if it was due to sex the day before? Hopefully it's nothing serious, haven't had any pains or anything so that's good.
Been super nauseous today. Just home from work at midnight and scoffed my husband's leftovers - suddenly I feel so much better?! Haha!
Sorry if too much information,but is any getting a lot of CM? I don’t remember having it first time round.
Lots of creamy white cm was always one of my 1st pregnancy symptoms.
Anyone else feel like all they do is eat and sleep? I'm feeling so ill and eating does help but I'm not used to eating so often! And I went to bed at 10pm last night, got up at 8am and at 9.30am I was feeling so tired and sick. I had a lie down on the sofa while my 4yr old was pottering about and before I knew it it was 11!
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Anyone else feel like all they do is eat and sleep? I'm feeling so ill and eating does help but I'm not used to eating so often! And I went to bed at 10pm last night, got up at 8am and at 9.30am I was feeling so tired and sick. I had a lie down on the sofa while my 4yr old was pottering about and before I knew it it was 11!

Oh god yes.

I am just eating to stop feeling ill but eating so much is killing me! I've got to the stage though where I can only eat a handful of food before I'm full.... my stomach feels like it's the size of a walnut!

I have to snooze during the day otherwise I'm dead by the evening.
Anyone else feel like all they do is eat and sleep? I'm feeling so ill and eating does help but I'm not used to eating so often! And I went to bed at 10pm last night, got up at 8am and at 9.30am I was feeling so tired and sick. I had a lie down on the sofa while my 4yr old was pottering about and before I knew it it was 11!

Yes I am knackered at the moment I work 9 till 5 so no chance for a nap but I need one! Went to bed at 8:30 last night slept right through. Struggling with eating in morning as keep throwing up. Mid day is okay then evenings bad again. Oh the joys haha
Just had my booking in appointment. I'm consultant led this time because of my previous 3rd degree tear :-/

Nothing else interesting, just got to wait for my scan letter now!!
Had my scan today! Measuring a week behind but other than that all looked perfect with baby so she said dates may just be a little off.

Ouch wolf mamma , I only had a second degree year and found that painful enough afterwards! Hoping I won’t tear this time. I only pushed for 11 mins with my daughter so I was lucky to only have second degree tear! My midwife said second labours pushing can be faster, yikes!!!
Had my scan today! Measuring a week behind but other than that all looked perfect with baby so she said dates may just be a little off.

Ouch wolf mamma , I only had a second degree year and found that painful enough afterwards! Hoping I won’t tear this time. I only pushed for 11 mins with my daughter so I was lucky to only have second degree tear! My midwife said second labours pushing can be faster, yikes!!!

I'm getting frightened of the sound of labour all this talk about tearing! Haha.. bet it was amazing to see your little bean on the scan, I measured a week
Behind when I had my scan also!

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