******December Mummies 2018******

I took a similar drug my last pregnancy with a different brand name. I think it helped a little but it made me so dizzy I wasn't safe to walk on my own and needed help to the bathroom so I stopped taking it as soon as I stopped vomiting constantly. It also made me drowsy but that was actually a plus. My side effects were probably exaggerated by the fact I had barely eaten in 6 weeks. I have a couple of friends who took it and found it really effective. One friend is 8 months pregnant and this is the 3rd pregnancy she has taken it all the way through.
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I think that some meds they give out now have been around for long enough for doctors to know they are safe. I just found my doctor very reluctant to prescribe anything. With my 1st, which was 18 years ago, I had planned to have a termination and they gave me anti emetics. As soon as I changed my mind they said I must stop taking them immediately. I'm sure things have moved on since then surely?!
Rach I'm on cyclizine ATM.. it does seem to help but still got quite a bit of sickness so they've switched tablets. Had booking appointment tonight and all was good.. she said sickness and nausea is good, I guess that made me feel a bit better.. should be getting a letter with scan date soon. So excited! Hope everyone's feeling ok today?
Aww glad ur appointment went well, can't believe your not far from your 12 week scan already. Roll on June lol x
I know I'm excited.. I am actually 8+6 but don't know how to change my ticker on here.. WolfMamma, could you move my due date to the 9th please? We are now due date buddies hahaa !

What a beautiful day it is today, is everyone up to much over bank holiday weekend?
Hi everyone. Not long back from NYC. Had a great few days with minimal nausea - it just crept back on the last day and have been feeling pretty sick since I got home. 8 week scan is a week today! Nervous and excited. Going to make a point of trying to eat healthier and more frequent, small amounts. How is everyone else feeling?
Hi ladies!! I am brand new to this... and I am due December 30th please can I join!
I am feeling okay right now, I had a miscarriage back in october so I am more anxious than anything. I just want the next few weeks to hurry up so I can relax.
Symptoms wise I have sore boobs and nipples, and am falling asleep by 8pm every night haha! It will be so lovely to be able to talk to ladies in the exact same boat! Xxx
Hi ladies!! I am brand new to this... and I am due December 30th please can I join!
I am feeling okay right now, I had a miscarriage back in october so I am more anxious than anything. I just want the next few weeks to hurry up so I can relax.
Symptoms wise I have sore boobs and nipples, and am falling asleep by 8pm every night haha! It will be so lovely to be able to talk to ladies in the exact same boat! Xxx

Welcome to the group! Sorry to hear about your mc I also had a mmc in October so I know how daunting this first tri is. Hope u have a healthy and happy pregnancy x
Hope everyone’s having a nice weekend and enjoying the sun!!
I still haven’t had any sickness. Although I’ve completely lost my appetite and the thought of eating anything makes me feel sick (not sure if this counts?!)
Anyway, got my midwife appointment next week, and still on track for a Christmas Day due date at the moment ☺️
Sorry I've been absent for a bit. Had some troubles here but now having a nice chilled weekend.

So I have hit 9 weeks today and my morning sickness seems to be tailing off. I hope that's not a bad sign. My nipples and boobs are still killing me and whenever I eat a meal that is too big I bloat like a whale and feel really ill. Speaking of eating, my appetite is so small now that I can sit down in front of the most amazing roast dinner and only eat a small part of it! But then an hour later, I'm hungry again!

I am hoping that all of this put together means that baby is ok and nothing else....

I am desperate for my first scan so I can check on my little jellybean again.

How is everyone else?
Dates have all been updated. If I've got any wrong or missed any, let me know.

xxfxx, the only way to update your ticker is to get a new one :)
Hey wolfmama glad u r feeling better. I had a terrible day with sickness yesterday and caved and took my first cyclizine. Woke up today with no sickness at all and boobs aren't sore. So scared that I am having a mmc as felt wee niggles on my back yesterday which I got with mmc. Not pain just wee niggles. Someone reassure me symptoms come and go :(
Hey wolfmama glad u r feeling better. I had a terrible day with sickness yesterday and caved and took my first cyclizine. Woke up today with no sickness at all and boobs aren't sore. So scared that I am having a mmc as felt wee niggles on my back yesterday which I got with mmc. Not pain just wee niggles. Someone reassure me symptoms come and go :(

You know how much I panic so I am probably the worst person to convince you!

However, I did have days where I woke up feeling much better with normal boobs and I really worried but within a few hours I felt really crap again, so I would at least give it 12 hours or so before you even think of getting worried :)
Thanks wolfmama I suppose worrying won't change things so just going to use the opportunity to get a few things done around the house while I feel normal
Thanks WolfMamma although it won't led me click on the signature box at all now, ha! 9 weeks today too, another week for us! 😀

Rach, I think it's so hard not to symptom check, and freak out if they disappear! Some days I have awful nausea and sickness and then I'll have two good days of feeling fine!

I got told at my booking appointment that I will be consultant led which made me feel
A bit apprehensive as not sure what to expect. I've got a higher BMI you see. Has anyone has any experience being consultant led?
Welcome mrscarnall! Congratulations!

Nothing new here. Still feeling sick all the time. Can't wait for this stage to be past! I haven't contacted my MW department yet, I suppose I really should do that soon!
Thanks WolfMamma although it won't led me click on the signature box at all now, ha! 9 weeks today too, another week for us! 😀

Rach, I think it's so hard not to symptom check, and freak out if they disappear! Some days I have awful nausea and sickness and then I'll have two good days of feeling fine!

I got told at my booking appointment that I will be consultant led which made me feel
A bit apprehensive as not sure what to expect. I've got a higher BMI you see. Has anyone has any experience being consultant led?

I will probably end up consultant led due to IUGR in last 2 pregnancies plus other issues that they never really figured out. I had high blood pressure and many signs of pre eclampsia but my blood results didn't confirm pre eclampsia so they didn't know.
Hey xxfxx I am consultant led and was last time too it just means u get a few more appointments and for me meant I got a few more scans which is always a bonus x

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