******December Mummies 2018******

How's everyone feeling this morning?

I've woken up feeling less sick but that's not a guarantee of no sickness all day sadly. I always get nervous when I wake up feeling like this, wondering if everything ok etc.

I've still not heard from a midwife at all yet. Heading for my 9th week and no contact whatsoever. Seems a bit shoddy, especially as I had my trip to the EPU but I guess that's just how it goes. I'm hoping that when I do eventually see her that she'll oblige me by using a doppler just to locate baba and check that everything is still ok.

Symptoms now include nausea (obvs!), nipples that feel like they're on fire, migraines and tiredness. I'm hoping all that is a good thing!!
Sounds good Wolfmamma. Oh thats ages isnt it I would defo chase it upas they need to organise your 12 week scan dont they! i have my midwife appointment on friday at 8+3.
I've been having the most crazy vivid dreams ! xx
My nausea seems to have calmed down today which is a relief. I'm actually feeling human just a bit tired.. I've got my booking appointment with midwife Friday too Millie I'll be 8+5.
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Hey all how r u this afternoon? I managed to drag my ass back to work today after feeling so ill on Monday and Tuesday. Still quite nauseous today but found if I sucked on polo mints it helped. Have just ordered chicken fried rice as a wee tear as dh is working on evening shift this week. Hope use all r feeling well
December 8th for me. 12 week scan in so few weeks so may change :)
Afternoon ladies.

Bugged the midwife until I got an appointment! 9th May!

Not feeling too bad at the moment. Cherry tomatoes seems to be helping oddly. Had a sleep for a couple of hours, want to try and cook tea tonight.

I just want my 12 week scan so I can see that jellybean is ok..... I'm so nervous.
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I am pretty rough again. Haven't really kept any food down yesterday or today. I did manage plenty of water last night which is good. Have acupuncture again this afternoon so counting on being able to eat after that.
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I hope acupuncture helps bunny! My sickness is pretty bad today :( was sick in my amazon delivery box as couldnt even make the loo lol grim xxx
I am pretty rough again. Haven't really kept any food down yesterday or today. I did manage plenty of water last night which is good. Have acupuncture again this afternoon so counting on being able to eat after that.

Oh bunny I'm so sorry you're feeling so awful. I cannot tell you how glad I am that mine is just nausea and not vomiting. It's exhausting isn't it?

We'll push through it together xxx
Hi everyone.

I haven’t had any nausea/sickness.. should I be worried?! I’m feeling very tired and ill (there’s nothing specifically wrong, I just don’t feel ‘right’). Is this normal?!
December 8th for me. 12 week scan in so few weeks so may change :)

Hi everyone.

I haven’t had any nausea/sickness.. should I be worried?! I’m feeling very tired and ill (there’s nothing specifically wrong, I just don’t feel ‘right’). Is this normal?!

Hi and welcome!

Please don't worry about no nausea, some people just don't get any. I have HG which means I have an exaggerated form of sickness, so it's not really normal.
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Hey bunny hope the acupuncture works today. I've had to make a go appointment as nausea is crippling me. I'm waking in the middle of the night with it, feel ill all day but don't be sick then when I eat I'm dry heaving and unable to move for an hour. Cried my eyes out in work today cus of it. I'm the only girl in my office and I've never seen so many men leave the room as quick when I was heaving into a bin and crying. My job entails alot of walking around 3 miles a day in work and the toilets are a 3 min power walk from my desk. I get so annoyed at myself as this baby is so wanted and we were due to start fertility treatment the week after we found out we were pregnant so I hate to complain about anything in pregnancy as it's so precious but this is killing me in work atm. Sorry to rant girls x
Rach don't feel bad for complaining! Took nearly 3 years for my daughter and I was in hospital with HG with her at first and I was super miserable! I couldnt even feel happy that all was ok on my weekly scans as it meant it would go on amd om for longer :(. I felt really guilty hating every minute but it really is horrendous not feeling well. Is this yiur first? Probably wont help you feel better now but you do forget it when they are born and its soooo worth it! You defo must forget it a bit or I wouldnt be pregnant now haha!! xx
Hey millie thanks that makes me feel better as I feel like such a fraud for feeling so awful so I'm glad I'm not alone. No this is our second with a mmc in between. I had no sickness at all with my daughter who is now 6 so this has been a big shock lol. How r u feeling x
Also if one more person in my family says o it must be a boy if ur so sick this time I might punch them in the face haha. I don't care what it is so leave me alone lol x
Had the acupuncture. Feel a little improved, although it doesn't seem as much as last time. I have managed to keep a little food down though which is major in itself.

I am totally with you girls on feeling guilty for moaning. We had a loss at 10 weeks and I would have gone through anything to keep that baby so when I had HG in my next pregnancy I tried to remember how happy I was that baby was doing well but it's hard to be happy when you feel so darn awful for what feels like an eternity. This time the baby wasn't planned. I admit I still liked the idea of one more after last time we didn't want to go through it again. I know it's going to be totally worth it in the end but just now I don't feel like I am pregnant, I just feel miserable!
Rach people keep saying to me it's a girl as I'm being sick haha'
Strange what our bodies do to us.. I'm feeling human again today just
Really tired!
Rach- the image of all the men vacating the room with you heaving and crying into the bin made me laugh. I know it shouldn't though, it sounds really miserable. I think you are brave carrying on work. At the moment I feel brave when I attempt sitting up on the sofa, I can't imagine working.

Yeh I was told my last was going to be a girl with how sick I was, he is a boy! I have had two hg pregnancies before this, one was a girl and the other a boy.
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Don't worry bunny it kind of made me giggle too as it's a very male industry that I work in and it was funny lol. Glad we all feel the same about moaning tho it's nice to no u r not alone. I doubt I have hg as I haven't actually been sick but I end up heaving so bad and not able to move when I eat anything so I don't really no what u would call it. Sorry the acupuncture didn't work as well as last time, I have seen people say travel sickness bands r good altho don't no if they would work for something as serious as hg. I have no choice but to go to work as we don't get sick pay and I have a holiday in 6 weeks to fund lol. If we were paid for it I wouldn't be going atm x

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