december due mamas

My due date will be around 28th December I'm currently 4 weeks 4 days
Thanks Slb that is really helpful. I suppose it's not too bad for peace of mind. May look into that after the doctors appointment. Xx
Thanks Mexico, I'm quite shocked & it's feels unreal as OH was told he had zero sperm count by the doctor & here we are!!!
When are you due & how are you feeling? Xx
The worst thing is my mum thinks I'm overplaying it. She keeps saying how she's done it 4 times and there's no way it's that bad. I just feel drained and I've lost loads of weight.... I'm worried xx
Well funnily enough my husband has to do as sperm sample and a few days later we found out we were pregnant. They called him back and said he was low!! I am currently 6 weeks 2 days and going through the really nauseous/sick period!

Is this your first baby? It's so exciting!! When did you find out?

Have you been trying a long time? We have been trying since August last year, as I had the court fitted for 9 years in total. Xx
Well funnily enough my husband has to do as sperm sample and a few days later we found out we were pregnant. They called him back and said he was low!! I am currently 6 weeks 2 days and going through the really nauseous/sick period!

Is this your first baby? It's so exciting!! When did you find out?

Have you been trying a long time? We have been trying since August last year, as I had the court fitted for 9 years in total. Xx

Congratulations, that's great news!!

No this is my 2nd I have a 4 yr old & had hardly any symptoms with him. This pregnancy I have fatigue, urinating every 30 min, terrible mood swings, lots of gas & very hungry, fingers crossed nausea doesn't appear!!
Have you told anyone about your pregnancy yet? Xx
Oh & also terrible sleeping habits!! Bad nights sleep every night & waking up early!!
We haven't told either of our parents yet which we are finding extremely hard. We are trying to wait until our first scan but don't know if we will make it! The sickness thing is a huge give away isn't it!

Have you told anyone? Yeah felt exhausted today and napped for a few hours! Sleep is ok, just running hot which is very unlike me!

Aww bless you, must be hard when you have a 4 year old to contend with!! Xx
To be honest my 4 yr old is well behaved & im very lucky, haven't told him yet as we were also going to wait until first scan. He has told his work colleagues & his brother- I put a thread up as I got angry about that one!
Today we told his grandparents & we're going to tell everyone else as he is dying to, we've actually had an argument about it & currently not speaking!! Xx
Just remembered another symptom that gives things away, extreme bloating!!!! I look 4 months preg already!!!!
Awww bless you. It is difficult when your so desperate to tell people! It's sweet he is excited but I can see it from your point of view. I have doctors on Tuesday. I am looking forward to the next steps etc. Although my doctor is retiring in June :(
Welcome and congrats Mexico and Andrea.

Newmama2be sounds like your sickness is extreme are you managing to keep any fluids or food down? You may need tablets from the doctors to ease it a bit I'd give them a ring hun
I agree newmama. If you cant keep any fluids or food down see a doctor. It can actually be quite dangerous. The food isnt such a problen for now as baby will get what it needs from you and unless you were super skinny to start with your body should have enough reserve to get you through. If you have trouble keeping fluids down though you can get in a bad state quite quickly. I totally feel for you. I was so sick in my first pregnancy I could barely move for a couple of weeks. The only thing that stopped me from being sick constantly was lying down and staying very still. I managed to keep fluids down by drinking in the night when I didnt feel as sick. For more information and support try googling Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG).
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We are totally torn about when to tell. We wanted to wait but are starting to think maybe we should do it sooner. It would be a relief not to have to hide the sickness.
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I had no choice but to tell both our parents I need extra help with my son because I feel so sick but normally I prefer not to tell anyone until I have had a scan
We've told our parents and a couple of my close friends which i needed to do for one reason or another. Not our kids though, cant wait to tell them though! They will officially be related to each other (I have a 10 year old girl and my partner has a 5 year old boy and 9 year old girl). :) It wont be until the scan though.

Hope you're all ok and congrats to new mummies! Getting quite full in here now :dance: x x x
I was just wondering with those that are really suffering with the morning sickness if you are getting enough vitamin B6? I had bad sickness with my daughter but not so bad this time, soon as i eat im better. I was taking 120mg of vitamin b complex a day but cutting it down now to more like 70mg.

"Studies suggest that taking vitamin B6 for morning sickness greatly improves nausea, though not vomiting, for many pregnant women. There has been no sign of harm to the fetus with vitamin B6 use.1

A typical dose of vitamin B6 for morning sickness is 10 mg to 25 mg, 3 times a day.2

Talk to your health professional before you take vitamin B6 for morning sickness.

Intake of more than 100 mg a day of vitamin B6 can cause temporary nerve damage."
Due 27th December!!!

Have an almost 4 year old? id wished i had got pregnant sooner, anyone going to have a 4.5 yr age gap ??
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