december due mamas

Thanks mskittycat. I am also 6 weeks 3 days today! I am seeing the doctor tomorrow which I am glad about as I am suffering with sickness and nausea really bad! I was sick last night at 10:30pm! It's tiring as I want to still exercise but feeling like this it's awful I just can't!!
There was 6 years between me and my older brother and 8.5 years between me and my younger sister. I am close with my sister. I was close with my brother when I was young but we dont live near each other so we keep in touch but dont see each other much. I liked the big gaps and always thought I'd do the same but have ended up with under 2 years gaps :).
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My son will be nearly 4 once this baby arrives. It's deffo not what I wanted we've been trying since the end of 2014 but it obv wasn't meant to be. I'm a twin but have a brother and sister 9 & 10 years older than me. I'm close to both my twin and older sister so I guess gaps don't mean they won't be close.

I've got my scan tomorrow morning I'm shitting it!


Good luck tonks! Everything will be fine!

My daughter will be 2 1/2 when this one arrives. I wanted 18 months or less between but it didn't work out.


Hey entre, I'm due 28th December & currently have a 4 yr old x

yay another! least I'm not alone then! I was worried about the gap, its got its positives and negatives I spose like every age!
thanks all, yes I'm sure we could write a whole thread about age gaps! theres 23 years between me and brother, yes 23 YEARS!!!
Hi ladies
I am due on 3rd December and my daughter will be 7 when baby arrives. Didn't plan on a large age gap but I am hoping she will help me and will enjoy looking after him/her xx
Congrats entre and Amy
I'm also due the 3rd!
My children are 12,7 and 2 so big gaps between mine I do wish wed planned a little better and had them closer but my daughter who's the eldest loved helping look after her baby brother and it has been easier with the older ones at school during the day
Phew everything looking good saw the heartbeat and didn't need an internal which was a relief!

Glad everything went well tonks! Did you get a pic? How far are you? Xx

Aww Tonks i'm so glad it went well! I can't wait for my scan! Not even see the midwife yet lol..x
I'm going to see my doctor this morning. I've barely eaten or drank in 3 weeks and anything I do eat comes up I'm freezing all the time and dizzy and have zero energy! So I'm hoping he will have some suggestions for me. And also have to get him to refer me to hospital and midwife again after my previous GP lost everything (I changed GP after I told them) still having a bit of a rubbish time but 8 weeks today so that's another wee milestone
Yeah I have a pic (see below) they said dates match at 7+2. I was literally in there 5 minutes!
I think time will go very slowly now but have midwife next week, then holiday 2 weeks after that. Once back from hols I'll prob be due dating scan that week.

Sorry you feel rotten mumywannabe I shouldnt moan as mine seems mild in comparison to yours.



Beautiful :) it will fly by! Especially with so much going on. Plus you've already got a little one to keep you busy! Are you happier now? Xx

Hi tonks! Scan looks fab!!
So I've been started on cyclizine for the nausea and vomiting and they've started me monitoring the ketones in my urine
I'm really hoping this will help I'm desperate for something to help

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