Felt great yesterday back to feelin rubbish today, my husband is away running a marathon from 6.45 this morning and my little boy is so bored with me, going for an early scan tomorrow just to give me a little reassurance I can't wait until I can eat a proper meal again
Its not my first but yes I remember being pregnant with my son and thought I was it literally dying! And I duno how but I forgot how bad it was......they are worth it though x
Thanks. I keep telling myself its not going to last forever and its so worth it in the end. I mean this is the 4th time I've done it so it cant be that bad .
I think I've had an easy ride so far MissJuliet. You're a few days ahead of me though. I did just cry for a solid five minutes because my husband said the living room could do with a tidy. I obviously took that as a vicious personal attack rather than the throwaway statement it was!
Mummywanabe are you paying to have that done? I've thought about booking one for about 8 weeks - I'm so impatient! Xxx
Hello ladies, I am still struggling with sickness. I was sick tonight and still feel sick now. I feel absolutely shattered too. We went on a 4 mile costal walk with my in laws. Huge hill massive mistake. Felt so breathless. I've noticed it when I'm walking the dog is anyone else feeling the same? Think my father in law was a bit suspect at me stopping on the hill!!!
I hate the waiting my first midwife appointment is not until the 10th, then hopefully my scan will be booked! Just want to see everything is ok. I haven't experienced indigestion yet, I don't know what's worse sickness or indigestion! Xx
Oh god I feel breathless too just walking up the stairs and we have 3 flights in our house. Tried to hoover this afternoon managed one room before feeling overwhelming exhausted!
The indigestion is pants but for me it wasn't constant so I'd say the sickness is worse.
I will be 8 weeks on Friday, so not too far behind you Tonks! But I swear my husband just thinks I'm being lazy!! I've never felt this unfit in all my life!! It just shows your how much pressure your body is under when you are trying to do the smallest of things you wouldn't normally batter an eyelid at!! I am dreading going to work tomorrow it's horrible when you constantly feel sick!! You just want to be at home snuggled on the sofa! Do you have your scan booked yet Tonks? X
Oh my Mexico my husband is being a complete a hole! He's getting grumpy as I haven't cooked in a couple of weeks and he's like all you do is lie on the sofa. I went into a rage with him on Sunday and started swearing and telling him id had enough he felt pretty guilty.
I'm dreading work too not going till the afternoon after my midwife appointment.
I had an early scan last week but haven't got my 12 week appointment arranged yet. Think that might get arranged after this appointment today.
What about you?
Going for an early scan this morning I'm really nervous incase something is wrong ... But also nervous incase something is right because then I have to tell my bro and sis in law I'm pregnant. They've been TTC for 10 years multiple failed IVF and are now in adoption process, when i was pregnant with my son they barely spoke to me for 9 months but they love him to bits, I'm worried they'll shut themselves off again my son literally adores them! Anywho gota go hug the loo again still feeling rotten!!
Oooh I now have my booking in appointment tomorrow! Very early, but because my last period was beginning of Feb they don't believe that I'm only about 5 weeks along (I could show them dozens of negative pregnancy tests from before the last couple of weeks...)!
Has anyone had their booking in appointment yet? What happens? Xxx
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