december due mamas

You place your middle three fingers at the top of your wrist with your index finger being the furthest away from your hand then place the band just below your index finger with the button pressing on the inside of your wrist x
I paid a bit extra for the sea bands ones and there not as tight as the regular ones I've found. I don't even take them off I wear them in the shower now but I have no idea if they really help.

I followed this guidance on wearing them;



Hey ladies :)

I was just wondering if anyone else has bad indigestion? I've had it for two days solid now. I thought it was too early so I'm not sure if it's unconnected!
Baby frog I had it really early with my son and it got worse as the pregnancy went on.
I'm trying to avoid getting it now I'm drinking lots of lemon squeezed in water and probiotic yoghurt.


Babyfrog I've had it on and off I'm not sure if it's caused by certain food or is it just hormones. I've been drinking warm water with lemon in the morning think it helps but some days it just appears out of nowhere x
Thanks ladies. I haven't really eaten anything out of the ordinary, so I was thinking it must be something baby related! It's really great being able to pop my silly questions on here and get such a quick reply.

I'll have some hot water and hope for the best. Might be time to invest in some gaviscon... Xxx
Hey ladies :)

I was just wondering if anyone else has bad indigestion? I've had it for two days solid now. I thought it was too early so I'm not sure if it's unconnected!

I think mine was 2nd tri, maybe towards the end of it. Spring onions were the worst :puke:, i used to love them before pregnancy, i have now probably only had 1 in the last 10 years now :)

How is everyone? i'm getting morning sickness and dizziness and generally feeling knackered until about 1pm i find. I'm not actually sick but then again my whole life i've been pretty good with not throwing up. Also i find its only really when i wake up that my sense of smell is very strong, it makes me feel queasy! I'm just glad i don't have a cat this time (food n litter tray smells aren't the best at these times hehe).
What smells or foods are you all finding the worst now pregnant? My new duck feather duvet gets me in the mornings (smelly)! :sick:

Cat xoxo :preg:
Baby frog I had it really early with my son and it got worse as the pregnancy went on.
I'm trying to avoid getting it now I'm drinking lots of lemon squeezed in water and probiotic yoghurt.


I didnt have it this time but I had it in my other pregnancies. It kind of gradually turned into morning sickness. It went away after a while and then I got ingestion again when my bump started getting big enough to press on my insides.
I feel like I'm waiting for morning sickness to arrive at any moment. I'm perversely looking forward to it a bit - I think I'll feel reassured all is going well.

The only smell I've noticed is the bin in the kitchen. I've washed it all out with bleach and I'm changing the bag every day but I can still smell it!

I also nearly smothered my husband for breathing too loudly when I couldn't sleep last night. I had total rage. I'm blaming that on the hormones, although I don't know if it was ha ha!
The thing about morning sickness is that when you have it you are miserable and all you want is to get rid of it. When you dont have it you worry yourself sick wondering why you dont :).
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I can't believe I'm about to say this but I feel my MS is actually easing up a little bit. Thursday afternoon at work I suddenly felt OK at one point and driving home was the first evening i haven't felt car sick the entire journey home. The sickness crept back into the evening but I didn't feel it was the same level as before. Same thing happened yesterday woke feeling yuk and it subsided through the day.

Don't know whether to feel relief or go into panic mode somethings up!

It's not like I can ask for another scan!! I might get a private one in turkey while I'm there as think there quite cheap there just to reassure me!!


I'm not too bad feel sicky but mainly if I haven't eaten in a while. There's some smells I can't stand coffee being one my dh popped into to pay for petrol and came out smelling of coffee and I couldn't stand him sitting beside me haha. I don't like perfumes and hate the smell of the Yankee candle I recently bought boo!
Had to go to out of hours Dr as I've felt really sick every second of the day for 3 days and I've hardly been drinking. Dr gave me omeprazole and gaviscon and told me I could take stemetil but it's best not to but I had to take one as I'm a crying mess! X
In my other pregnanciess I stopped drinking coffee as soon as I found out I was pregnant. This time I couldn't quite bring myself to give up my morning pick me up so just cut back to one small cup in the morning. By 6 weeks the thought or smell of coffee turned my stomach and I havent drunk it since.
That's funny I wonder why you go off hot drinks in 1st tri I've heard other people not being able to drink tea as well. I usually love a caramel latte first thing but the smell is just awful to me just now
Hey ladies, it's quiet on here, how is everyone doing?

I'm just the same, indigestion and now burpy. Waiting for the sickness to kick in! Xxx
Regarding morning sickness I'm feeling better by the day which is doing absolutely nothing for my anxiety!! However I did just put a load of washing on and came over all queasy.

Hopefully baby frog you'll get away with not feeling sick.

I've got a feeling the indigestion is brewing I got woken up by the son suddenly the other night and I had loads of acid just sitting in the back of my throat, yuk!
I had the worst trapped wind yesterday as well!

Oh the joys!!


We can't win can we Tonks? Don't want the MS but worried when we don't have it!

I actually just did some tidying up and unloaded the dishwasher and felt a tiny bit sickly but only for a few minutes! It's probably in my head, I'm symptom spotting like a crazy lady!
I have spent most of the time in bed the last few days with the sickness. This morning was a little better. I managed to help get DD dressed to go out with OH and then fed DS lunch and put him down for his nap and put some washing in the machine. And I only threw up once. I'm in bed again now.

Im just hoping this is the worst of it. I got so much worse in DDs pregnancy and the worst part was 11/12 weeks. With DS I wasnt as bad as this and by the by the end of week 10 I started to feel better. Both times I started feelig sick earlier but wasn't as bad as I am now at the same point so I'm not sure what to expect next.

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