december due mamas

Mamawanabe I've been in and out of hospital on drips. If you phone NHS 24 they will send you to hospital. I got an anti sickness jag in my butt it hurts but it has helped so much. I was throwing up every ten mins or so. Hope it helps!
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I had a better day today and actually got out of the house which was nice. I felt pretty sorry for myself yesterday all day so it was a relief. Still I shouldn't complain because I know first hand how much worse it can get. Im so glad that so far I havent had a repeat of the sickness from my 1st pregnancy. I really feel for you girls who are having an extra rough time. As for work, working during pregnancy makes you super woman in my books :). I know I couldn't do it.
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Hi everyone,
Just yesterday my partner and I found out we was expecting!so many emotions going on at the moment!i have worked out my dates and think I'm due December 31st :) anyone else around that sort of time?This is our first child and I'm so nervous not to do anything wrong!

Hope to hear from some other mummies to be :)
Congratulations JR1 it's exciting news.'it's our first baby too and we are due around 16 December. How are you feeling at the moment?

Thanks babyfrog, I'm just on count down until I get the scan booked and not telling our families is so hard. Just want to check everything is ok first. Has anyone got any thoughts on finding out what they are having? We have decided we are not going to find out!!

It's lovely to hear from all mummies to be in a similar boat as you are the only ones who have an idea how I am feeling. So thanks!!

7 weeks tomorrow and for those working is a bank holiday weekend :) xx
Welcome :)

I'm also due 31st Dec (I think) and a first time Mammy :)

We're not telling our families yet either, but it's really difficult as I speak to my parents pretty much every day, and I feel like I keep telling little lies to them. I don't like it!

I'm totally stuck between being really excited and being too cautious of not getting carried away with myself as it's such early days. I wish I could just be totally excited without the worry...

We're thinking we don't want to know the gender, but things could change I suppose! Xxx
I'm torn between finding out this time, I've never wanted to know we even had a 4d scan with my son and we looked away when they got to those bits, but I'm feeling really curious this time. But life gives you few surprises anymore and it was so lovely when my little boy was born and my husband said we have a son so I don't know what I'll do this time.

I've had to tell my parents and his parents I've been so Ill so I could t hide it.

I've also booked myself for an early scan at 9 weeks I just need to hear a heartbeat it's driving me mad after so many losses I can't believe I've even made it to 8 weeks this time so I don't actually think I'll believe I'm having this baby til I hear it. And then I will tell the rest of my family next week
Hello and congrats jr1!

Glad you are feeling a bit better Bunny so hard being stuck indoors when you have a bored toddler. We're off to mums and tots today I just have to brave the walk up there, it's not far away but when you feel sick and dizzy it seems like miles lol.

Think we are going to keep the sex a surprise this time found out with number 2 and 3 which was nice as they had a name and we could buy blue but I'd like to leave it this time it was exciting finding out with my first when she was born x
Try two bored toddlers, lol! We spent most of the day yesterday at my parents who have a garden and it was a nice sunny day. They spent the whole time running around, 'cooking' with sand, picking flowers etc. I feel rough again today but they are calm and happy from wearing themselves out yesterday instead of climbing the walls so that helps a lot.

We ended up telling my parents and sister. We had wanted to wait but I'm feeling too sick to keep hiding it.

Welcome JR1!

We want to keep the sex a surprise this time. We wanted to know with DD and were told by mistake with DS. I like the idea of finding out at birth though. The biggest drawback of not knowing is having to have a boys name and girls name ready. We seem to find choosing names hard work.
You must be exhausted running around with them all day atleast weather is good and they can go out in the garden. Always the best place to be when your not feeling well.

We have no idea of names this time going to be really hard I think. every name I like I can't actually imagine myself constantly saying it. My oldest son actually named his baby brother we couldn't decide and he just started calling the bump James and it stuck
Lol, maybe we should ask DD :). It took us a few days after he was born to name DS and we knew he was going to be a boy!

We dont have garden unfortunately because we live in a flat but my parents do and we spend quite a bit of time with them
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Today is the first day the nausea has been definitely present. I can't imagine dealing with this for another 7 weeks. Respect to all of you dealing with HG x
Thanks miss Juliet! This pregnancy is deffo wearing me down with the hyperemesis this time feeling so guilty for my little boy I can't be a proper mummy to him right now my husband has been brilliant and so supportive though
I miss spending time with my two. Now when I am with them we usually watch TV while I do as little as possible and count the minutes until OH will get home. Usually we spend time playing and doing colouring and craft projects.
Hi ladies I have forgot how to add the avatar thing you all have sowing how far gone I am? Help please �� Xxxx
Hi ladies I have forgot how to add the avatar thing you all have sowing how far gone I am? Help please �� Xxxx

To get your own ticker click on someones you like, or google pregnancy tickers. Follow the steps and copy the code you are given at the end. There are different codes, its the BB code you want for this site. Then open user CP, edit signature. Paste in the code and save.
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Ladies with the sickness bands..

Can anyone show me where to wear them. Mine aren't working so I'm unsure if I have them in the wrong place.

Also does anyone else find them tight and uncomfy? X

I found they did help but kind of gave up on them because they made my wrists swell.
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They hurt and itch me. I really hoped they would work :( obviously not xx


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