december due mamas

I've got my dating scan come through this evening 3rd June I'll be 12+5.
Woop woop!!


My constant nausea Has come back I think back on those few days last week with fondness.

I go to work but I'm bloody useless I wonder if anyone has noticed.


My sickness seems to have tailed off! I felt sick yesterday but have felt OK today. Although boobs still feel really sore and have a dull ache feeling in my tummy and feel majorly bloated!! I hope the sickness tailing off isn't bad..... Xx
Mines the 6th tonks :) I've had mine since I was 4 weeks pregnant lol

I hope everyone is okay.. Well as okay as you can be pregnant.

I'm struggling with nausea at the minute. But eating little and often helps.

I've got my booking in appointment next Monday (my birthday :)

And my next scan on the 13th may :)

I've had some more pink/brown spotting last weekend :( but I still have all the symptoms and I've got a scan booked in so I'm going to wait it out.
I think everything is fine though. I'm probably one of those unlucky people that spot for the first few months.


Sad news from me today I'm afraid. Went to epas this morning as I had some spotting. Scan showed an empty sac so unfortunately looks like another blighted ovum for me. Gutted but we're ok.
Hope you all go on to have healthy pregnancies ladies xx
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I'm so sorry Hun :'( good luck for the future. Hugs xx

I'm so sorry cam by last lost was a blighted ovum too.
I really hope your ok as can be.

I'm thinking of you Hun xxx

Sad news from me today I'm afraid. Went to epas this morning as I had some spotting. Scan showed an empty sac so unfortunately looks like another blighted ovum for me. Gutted but we're ok.
Hope you all go on to have healthy pregnancies ladies xx

Oh cam I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs
Just had a bit of a panic there was pink streak in cm after I went to the loo I can't remember if I had that with my son but I know all my MC always started with a pink streak but they were all really early on in trying not to over think I have a little bit of cramping not much but I've just been sick so could be down to that fingers crossed all will be ok
I had pink streaking in my sons pregnancy and everything was fine. Its always scary to see though. My MC at 10 weeks started with slight brown spotting which turned red.
Nothing today just that one time but nausea has settled and haven't been sick at all today so of course I'm in a panic lol
Keep thinking positive and you know we've all got our fingers crossed for you! Xxx
I've had pink/Brown streaks this whole time and I've got a happy wee bubba in there so try not to panic too much
Hi all, how is everyone getting on? I have my my first appointment with the midwife tomorrow and I will be 8+4. I am hoping things are cooking well as we've had a bereavement in the family last week and I am just trying to stay calm! I don't feel sick and worried that is a bad sign. I still have sore breasts exhausted and have have dull ache in your tummy. How does everyone else feel? Xxx
Hey all,
Mexico, Good luck with the appointment tomorrow. Let us know how it goes. My appointment is not until 3rd of June and I'll be just over 10 weeks. Scan on the 14th.

Thankfully I have only had a little bit of nausea each day and some soreness in my right boob that comes and go.

Now I know this probably sounds silly but how has everyone found their body n the first trimester in terms of weight/bloating? At 7 weeks I know the bump is not baby yet....but i seem to have developed an extra layer of blubber. If they tell me I am 4 weeks further on I wouldnt be surprised!! Any tips for helping with the bloat??

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