december due mamas

My tummy is bloated as well although I still have quite a bit of mummy tummy from the first time round so I always feel like a bit of a puddin
He will be 3 on Sunday. It's like he knows there's something going on with my tummy he keeps rubbing his head against it. We haven't said a word to him yet.

I have a feeling I used to talk to you on here in 2013 lol my son will also be 3 in June. I've told him there's a baby in my tummy and he will hopefully get a baby brother or sister he said he doesn't operant one, and also says mummy I'm your baby but I'm a big boy now and I'm not in your tummy anymore :-) he's very affectionate around other kids and babies though so hoping he will be with a sibling
Hi fellow December mummies, how are you all doing?

I' Cat, 34 from Aylesbury Bucks. Mummy to a ten year old gorgeous girl. I just found out i was pregnant at the weekend, was a bit of a shock! I'm due 14th of December :) Not long after my daughters birthday :D So far my symptoms are (well a week before my missed period) was i increased a bra cup size and have very sore nips, also my cervix has moved back too. Not looking forward to the sickness kicking in! lol xox
Hi kitty cat welcome to December mummies :-) congrats on your little surprise, I'm 33 from county Antrim,pregnant with my second, I have a 3 year old son, I'm having full on nausea and sickness now so have taken some time off work, have lost quite a few babies now but really feeling positive this time the further I get on with this pregnancy
Morning december mummies!!!! I have been signed off work for 2 weeks due to my illness!
The only symptom I seem to have is exhaustion! I am enjoying a child free day and I am currently still in bed napping all day. Yawn !
Welcome kitty cat! Another december mum yey!!! I have a 3&4 year old both very energetic boys to contend with!! No wonder I am exhausted lol x
Hi mummywanabe :) I'm feeling positive too, i had a mc in my last pregnancy but it was 3 years ago now. I'm staying off dairy and gluten as ive always suffered with a bad tummy and ibs. I know how food allergies can cause mc so i'm not even risking a bit of dairy, gluten is not to bad as so many good alternatives... dairy not so much. Miss my tea :)
Hi Jacko, i'm feeling exhausted too, i'm glad I work from home! :D I have so many orders to get through but just dont have the energy, hense being on here lol.

How do I get the little pregnancy calander at the bottom of my messages? And how do i add a profile pic? I've design a sticker but cant work out where to put it, pregnancy brain has kicked in already lol
Well I am not sure about the profile picture!
However to get your ticket go pregnsncy ticker. Just type that in Google. Then it will give you a code to copy and paste. Use the BC code. (All will make sense when you see it) .
Quick links at the top of the page and edit signiture.
I am not technical hoping it will all make sense!
I wish I worked from home tbh! Very jealous lol x
Hmm maybe it's because i have just joined, it doesn't list edit signature in the quick links drop down menu, i managed to add a profile pic in the menu with editing profile.. hmm i says my html is off in posting rule at the bottom of this page, that must be why i cant ad one. Hmm oh well :) x
If u go to user cp and click on the left its second on the menu used signature, put the BB code in and u can preview it first to check if it has worked
This is what i see? Am i going blind lol:wall2:


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I have a feeling I used to talk to you on here in 2013 lol my son will also be 3 in June. I've told him there's a baby in my tummy and he will hopefully get a baby brother or sister he said he doesn't operant one, and also says mummy I'm your baby but I'm a big boy now and I'm not in your tummy anymore :-) he's very affectionate around other kids and babies though so hoping he will be with a sibling

Really Hun, I didn't post much with my son. I started coming on here as I was so sick without being sick in the first trimester I just wanted to know when it would stop.

I'm too scared to tell him, esp if it goes again! We told him at Christmas before the MC but he didn't understand.
Your son will love it once the baby is here?

Welcome Mskittycat, I'm 34 in August. There's a few of us who are similar ages and also who have suffered previous losses.

Congrats on your bfp. I'm not looking forward to the constant feeling of nausea again but I'd do anything to have another baby. Got a feeling I won't take it for granted so much this time!


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