***********December 2015- Final Leg***********

I'm doing ok considering it was an emergency section, Jack however is in nicu as his lungs hadn't quite developed and I laboured too quickly to get the second set of steroids for his lungs, he is improving though and I've just managed to hand express colostrum for him so don't feel as helpless, I should be able to cuddle him tomorrow xxx
Congratulations!!! I hope you get your much deserved cuddles today. :)

I don't know if I'm having Brixton hicks. It feels like baby is head butting my cervix and it's sending pains to the front of my bump and into my bum and vagina (sorry if tmi). I want to meet the little one so bad, but dad is away to a family funeral and won't be home till tomorrow so I hope that baby will wait!

So so uncomfortable now and it feels like I am going to the toilet every 5 seconds for both! Does anyone else know what signs of early labour I should be looking out for?
Hi monkey

I am the same, loads of niggles from pain around my cervix to period pain in front and back to tightenings.

Unfortunately there's so many niggles vs actual signs it's hard to tell!

Have you lost any plug yet?
I also have the toilet thing it's stepped up a gear the last 48 hours, both ways (tmi).

Sorry you are getting fed up, me too tho ;-) x
Hi monkey

I am the same, loads of niggles from pain around my cervix to period pain in front and back to tightenings.

Unfortunately there's so many niggles vs actual signs it's hard to tell!

Have you lost any plug yet?
I also have the toilet thing it's stepped up a gear the last 48 hours, both ways (tmi).

Sorry you are getting fed up, me too tho ;-) x

It's got to the point now where you question every niggle! I've been having period pains, back pains, tightenings, need to go toilet but so far nowt. When are you due? I'm 38.5 weeks x
Hi monkey

I am the same, loads of niggles from pain around my cervix to period pain in front and back to tightenings.

Unfortunately there's so many niggles vs actual signs it's hard to tell!

Have you lost any plug yet?
I also have the toilet thing it's stepped up a gear the last 48 hours, both ways (tmi).

Sorry you are getting fed up, me too tho ;-) x

It's got to the point now where you question every niggle! I've been having period pains, back pains, tightenings, need to go toilet but so far nowt. When are you due? I'm 38.5 weeks x
3 weeks so you are a week and a half ahead!

I have given up questioning it now. More than anything I am anxious to know when it's going to be .. And what colour!! Too much time on my hand on mat leave to think about it although I say that, I still feel so disorganised x
3 weeks so you are a week and a half ahead!

I have given up questioning it now. More than anything I am anxious to know when it's going to be .. And what colour!! Too much time on my hand on mat leave to think about it although I say that, I still feel so disorganised x

Being a first timer it's just so hard knowing when it's really time. My midwife keeps saying 'you will know' but how?! Haha! I'm too excited to know if it is a boy or girl too. Strangely I'm not actually scared about giving birth yet! May change when baby is coming out of my foof! I think my problem too is that I am basically ready now - think everything is in hand & I feel lost for things to do/ organise. What do you have left to do? X
I'm 38 and 3, due 21st December :D I'm desperate for it to be before Xmas!!! I know my chances are slim but it would be the best Xmas pressies ever to find out if I have a boy or girl!
I'm 38 and 3, due 21st December :D I'm desperate for it to be before Xmas!!! I know my chances are slim but it would be the best Xmas pressies ever to find out if I have a boy or girl!

I'm due 19th. I know what you mean..would be a fab pressie but don't want to put too much pressure on myself as know it is a big possibility baby won't be here. I've been so emotional today, been crying for no apparent reason...I'm blaming the hormones! X
Hope you and jack are well Mrswarren and you've beeb able to get baby cuddles!

I'm 37+5 today and so over being pregnant! I'm uncomfortable, baby moving constantly and it's painful now, tightenings, period pains but nothing consistent or significant. I am in the fortunate position of knowing baby will be here 17th december (due date 24th). Hope you ladies get your Christmas wishes and babies come along before the big day.

not long to go ladies ... The end is in sight! X x
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Not having a fear of birth is a great thing, I don't have it either but I listen to my hypno track daily, I swear by it from my previous pregnancies.

I don't have much to do as such but it's the time of year, I always feel I have loads to do at Christmas!! X

Fingers crossed for you monkey is it also your first (sorry my memory is sooo bad at the moment!)

Funny you should mention emotions mine were so bad today swing from excitement to sorrow to tearful to normal again I knew it was hormones as nothing happened to provoke those feelings. Ergh bloody horrible!!

Lucky you Melissa Sian, 42 weeks which is kind of the last line feels like forever away! Mind you my other babies were early I think thsts making me worse cos I am impatient if I go over!! Xx
I've been practising the hypno birthing too, so hope it helps. The CD sends me to sleep so if I could sleep through labour would be nice haha. My husband has also been helping with perineal massage which is not as pleasant as you may imagine!

I have loved being pregnant but am getting to a stage where I think is ready for baby. I feel uncomfortable, cumbersome & just soooo hormonal!

Melissa - it must be lovely to know lo will be here at Christmas xx
Come on ladies we need more December babies :-) I keep popping back to tri3 to see how you are all getting on. Can't believe my baby is 4 weeks old already.

Lucy - if you feel hormonal now wait until baby is here!

I want baby here now!!! This last bit is dragging, dread to think how I am going to be feeling if they let me go over :( Any tips ladies? x
Had a midwife appt today and blood pressure was raised quite a bit but have been sent away home and to go back on Monday for another check. Any headaches this weekend mean that I have to go in to hospital to be checked over. Baby is fully engaged though which is great, hope it means that I could start labour any time now!
I always said I'd be patient but now trying to move the baby in the right direction now. Haven't had sex in ages but tried that last night. Been having aches & pains today but still nowt. I would just love my waters to break so I know for sure labour has started x
So close hon xxx

A week today, I reckon I will go over! Been trying to keep busy pottering around the house but it is painful to stand up for too long because of the pressure. When is your due date? X

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