I'm pissed off this afternoon. My husband just doesn't think. I know that he has been to work today but I work 5 days a week too. I'm off today, go out with my mum to tesco to buy essentials & presents for his family & get a call 'where are you? I'm hungry!' You are a grown an make your own lunch. Get in & proceed to strip the bed & say I'll make a sandwich after wards & get told we may as well wait til I make dinner. I've not had lunch either but doesn't consider that. So make us something to eat & sit down to a programme, after taking plates put think I'll have to hang washing I've done up. Does he ask if I want him to pause the programme? Need any help carrying washing up the stairs & hanging it up? Doesn't even consider it. Then can't understand why I would be a little bit annoyed. I know that I am being hormonal but wouldn't it be lovely to feel cared for during pregnancy. A little bit of acknowledgement that I am 30 weeks pregnant, working full time & taking care of the house at the weekends would be lovely.
I wouldn't say that you were being hormonal as this sounds like a rational argument rather than just someone who's taking it personally.
During my first pregnancy, hubs was bordering on saintly, would help with everything (to the point where it made me quite lazy if I'm honest) but this time up until 6 weeks ago ish, I was left to do everything on my own. I was taking care of him, the house, the dogs and taking 50% of the jobs with our little boy. Anyway, it resulted in me breaking down in floods of tears before he realised that I was absolutely killing myself trying to keep up the pretence that everything was ok and that I was managing. Since then, he's been brilliant again. Maybe yoy should sit him down and explain to him how you feel. Growing a human from scratch is really hard work on your body and sometimes, people who have no womb, have no idea how difficult all of the emotions and the physical stress it causes.... Maybe, spell it out to him in the simplest terms you can and ask for his help.... Most men completely miss hints (unless it's sex of course).