***********December 2015- Final Leg***********

Yeah 37 weeks is full term or at least they aren't considered premature after that. xx
Congratulations Becky!!! Eeee so exciting, our first December baby :) Hope you are ok xx
Congratulations Becky! Fab news glad your both doing so well. Lovely name honey. Such a health weight.

Hope your home soon x x

Eek quite scary having the first december baby arrive ! X x
Hi ladies. Just thought I'd let you know the first December baby has arrived. Theo Alexander arrived safely yesterday 10.11.15. We are both on the ward and doing ok, so far he hasn't needed any special care. He weighs 7lb 3oz, which is impressive considering he was only 36+4. I'm so so in love already. xxx

huge congratulations hun well done!
Growth scan for me tomorrow. Measured 31 weeks and I'm currently 34 weeks. However midwife doesn't seem too concerned as she thinks it just because I'm 6ft tall and am hiding it well. Not too worried and get to see the wee one again in the morning!
Well I came in yesterday for my routine Midwifes appointment and had high bp and mentioned in passing the pain I had in my foot and never got to leave!! Was brought up to the maternity ward and had bp monitored through the night and am to get a scan for blood clots in a few hours. All of that I can deal with, what I couldn't cope with is being in a room with a very rude loud family who finally left at 11.30 leaving Mrs starting labour after induction. Then they brought in a woman in labour in who didn't leave until after 1 then original woman starts screaming and her loud family come back and then get shifted. I finally got to sleep at 5 to then be woken at 6 with the family returning and calling everyone they know loudly. I am beyond shattered and can't get over how inconsiderate people can be! I get they are excited but at that time in the morning in a shared ward seems a tad stupid. Sorry for the rant but my god I am absolutely exhausted and I don't even think I should have been kept in!!! Xx
Ah sorry to hear it was a rough night. I was in hospital early on and the girl next to me told the doctors all about her sex life
Sorry to hear your having a rough time - hope all ok other than being shattered.

It doesn't get any easier or quieter once you're on the ward after having baby. I know that babies cry but it's the mothers...So far I've had: the women with the loudest phone ever who used speaker phone all the time, the women who in the night doesn't speak to her baby in a nice hushed voice but booms at him in Polish, the women who's baby cries all the time especially when she leaves the ward for a cigarette... xxx
Ah sorry to hear it was a rough night. I was in hospital early on and the girl next to me told the doctors all about her sex life

Oh wow that's a story you want to here!!

The babies have been a dream! Very little crying at all but agree it's the mums. Managed to get another 30 mins sleep and actually feel better for it. Had my rice crispies for brekky too so now I just need to wait to be seen. How typical is it that I am stuck in here the day my nursery furniture was supposed to be delivered?!

Hope everyone else is having a nice Friday!! :)
Sorry to hear your having a rough time - hope all ok other than being shattered.

It doesn't get any easier or quieter once you're on the ward after having baby. I know that babies cry but it's the mothers...So far I've had: the women with the loudest phone ever who used speaker phone all the time, the women who in the night doesn't speak to her baby in a nice hushed voice but booms at him in Polish, the women who's baby cries all the time especially when she leaves the ward for a cigarette... xxx

Oh that is bloody annoying!!! I keep seeing women in labour heading out for a quick cig. It really bugs me!! X
They have decided I need meds for my bp. Only thing is they make me sick. I am now stuck here another night :(
Gosh Jill I can't believe people can be so rude and loud! I would be embarrassed to act like that. What I don't understand is why don't the midwives tell them to be quiet?? Hope you are ok Jill? xx
I'm doing ok despite lack of sleep!! I can't wait to get home though!! They are keeping me on the meds that make me feel sick because my bp is slowly coming down. I do have to wonder how I am to cope on them!! I am getting the impression that. I'm being left until 37 weeks then she is evicted. X

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