Decaf coffee?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2013
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This is maybe a silly question but does anyone know how much decaf coffee is ok per day while TTC? I have cut caffeine right down because of links to problems with conceiving and pregnancy but still fancy decaf coffee sometimes!
I drink 3-4 cups of decaf per day.

Don't know what the recommendations are though.

Thanks Emily :) that's good, I would only have a couple a day but it's good to know :) xxx
You can drink as much decaf tea or coffee as you want during pregnancy.

That said, I'm a little wary of decaf as often the methods used to decaffeinate it is less than ideal (nasty chemicals)

I get clipper organic decaf tea, if you're trying to conceive it might be worth looking into an organic or naturally decaffeinated coffee as you want to limit chemicals etc. from the decaf process. (There's info on this if you google "chemicals in decaf coffee").

Good luck ttc!
I drink a lot of coffee do you think I need to really cut it out??

Does any of you drink a decaf coffee that even resembles the taste of real coffee? If I can find some that does then I would switch.
When we first were referred to fertility consultant one of the first bits of advice was cut out caffeine (both of us) due to it being linked to making it more difficult to conceive and early miscarriage. Lots of advice about to that effect now. Caffeine wasn't even mentioned 12 years ago when I had my son. Interesting how more and more is discovered.

I switched to decaf tea which I'm carrying on with now in my pregnancy.
I mostly drink tea and hate the decaf versions, so no chance of me giving that up whilst TTC, but I find decaf Nespressco capsules taste just like 'proper' coffee Tonks :) I choose them over the normal ones even when not TTC & they are water decaffeinated too, not chemically, so no nasties. I realise this means you have to have a Nespresso coffee machine but there must be others that are good!
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Ooohh I'll have a google then.

Phoenix I love clipper teas, I like their coffee too I'll see if they have a decaf version.
We have a proper coffee machine at work but the decaf version just tastes like chicory!

Thanks for your replies. I was not aware of the risk of chemical things with decaf. I use clipper tea for he raspberry leaf, will add their decaf tea to my shopping cart when I next run out and also their decaf coffee. Thanks for the advice girls :) xx

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