*Debate* How much do you know about Britain?

I hated History at school - they made me drop it when I got 29% in my mock GCSEs :oops: . I love it now though - UK TV History is always on TV in the office. Our whole society is defined by history, just wish I'd realised that at school.

Local history and my family history really inspires me. I've found out such a lot about myself by learning about the lives of my ancestors.
I don't know much about it as I spent most of my live in other countries but i've been here for 7 years, i think it's time to learn a bit about it :lol:
geordie lass said:
lou said:
We go to alot of place's in this country in our campervan. We love programmes like Time Team and Coast. And (nerd alert) we keep a copy of Great British wildlife in our campervan so when we are out we can identify plants, animals, wildlife (birds, snakes (yes snakes), flowers etc

I've very interested in our country from that perspective. I no doubt will learn alot once Isaac is going to school. I can't wait :D

I love time team, and coast. Im a member of English Heritage and National trust.
I enjoy exploring the countryside
i really enjoy learning about Britian especialy about Northumberland history

I love you too!! :D

And check this....Alice Roberts owns a campervan like ours and is part of the VW club we belong to. We haven't met her yet but would love to. I bet you could have some really interesting chats with her over the camp fire!! :wink:

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