Day 3 agnus castus. Af less cramps


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
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So I'm on day 3 of my agnus castus and I'm less crampy and feeling less like hermitting for the end of days haha just unfortunately heavy bleed I'm hoping this will sort out my irregular cycles without me having to go on the contraceptive pill again which honestly I don't want because once off it I go straight back to square one. Hope you're all doing well xxx
Someone on here just got bfp after 20 months ttc and first cycle (i think) on Angus castus. Hope it works for you, good luck x
Im on it, Its helping mine out, I was having 14 day cycles, Last month I got to 18 days this month I'm up to cd20 and no cramps :D
Someone on here just got bfp after 20 months ttc and first cycle (i think) on Angus castus. Hope it works for you, good luck x

That's me, only I started AC on 4dpo so must of caught pregnant just before taking it. I have borderline progesterone so thought it would help me ovulate. I'm still taking it as scared if I stop my progesterone will drop. Have read lots take it up to 12 weeks then taper off. It's an amazing herb, lots get bfps from taking it. x
Oh wow thanks ladies lots of positives I'm hoping my cycles go back to 28 days roughly and a normal 7 day bleed I normally bleed for 4 days since I began birth control since I was 18 so I want things to even out a bit more :) feeling hopeful xxx

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