Wheres my AF??


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Came off the pill in Feb (ttc) and my cycles are all over the place still. My 2nd cycle lasted 80 days and then it seemed to settle down (after trying Agnus Castus) to between 28-34 days. But now my last cycle lasted 39 days and I'm still waiting for this one (now on day 44). Getting pretty impatient. I know when if i go to drs they'll say i've not been ttc for a year yet and send me away. Am I just being paranoid???
Its worth going to your docs. They won't necessarily send you away. Ours has said to us that there are some tests they will do at the surgery before you have been trying for a year if worried. They are then in a position to refer you to the hospital when you have been trying for a year with your preliminary test results - WORTH A GO!!

If your doctor won't, perhaps try another one - I didn't actually see my own doctor - she was off sick, but I will go back to this other one if mine doesn't offer the same.

Hopefully neither of us will need to go that far, but maybe it will put your mind at rest!!

Good Luck,

Em xx
Hi Shez,

I know it may be wishful thinking but have you done a test? Maybe this is the reason that you are so late!

Good luck with ttc - hope things settle down for you soon xxxxx
Hi shez,

I would go to the docs it's worth a shot! Let us know what they say! :D

xoxo Ree
Aw shez! I hope you find out what is happening soon!!
I really hope you get your BFP xx
Thanks for your comments ladies.

I did a test on CD40 and got a bFN so pretty sure i'm not pregnant. I'm having clear cm practically every day (sorry tmi) but other than that no other symptoms. I'm hoping to get to see the dr next week - I suppose I'll have to bit the bullet.

Thanks again.
Take care Sheree xx
sorry to hear about your BFN, go see what the docs have to say. Get him to do a blood test just in case as it may be too early on to tell with a normal test. Hope everything works out for you xxxxx

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