Date Change?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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At my 20 week scan they have now moved my EDD to the original that it would have been based on my LMP. They put me back 2 weeks at 6 week scan, forward 4 days at 12 weeks and now forward again - I cant keep up :lol: Did you guys get changed at this scan? The hosp is going by the new date so I suppose I will too. Have to change ticker again :roll:
Nah leave your ticker.. I did...

They put me back at my 7 week scan, forward at my 12 week, I had another scan at a supposed 14 weeks as an emergancy, and I was put forward another week, then at my 20 week scan I was put back 4 days. Babies come when they want to, and your LMP really has no baring on the date. Its very rare that babies turn up on their due dates.

I just left my ticker the way it is, based on my LMP... just because I can't be bothered with it. Anyway, at my 20 week scan the baby's head measured 19 weeks, the body 18weeks and the legs 22 weeks (all plus a few days or something, I never got a wee photo :( ) and they just added it up and divided it in half and came out with 19weeks + a few days... So who knows.. :roll:
my hospital dont change ur EDD unless its +- 7 days of ur lmp or more.. baby is 2 days bigger than my lmp.. which would give me due date of 21st jan.. and at 12 week scan i should have been 11+5 but baby measured 12 exactly.. so ive put ym EDD 2 days more.. from 23rd jan to 21st cba to change it now.. likly hood is it might come early neways as charl was 3 weeks early.. dw about changing it hun
I knew my exact date as i had been away! when they gave me a EDD which meant i conceived while on a training course i decided to ignore it!!!

At the 20week scan they changed it to the same date i KNEW was correct!!

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