Zac has been fine feeding up until now but just lately when he feeds he seems to cry loads!
He takes his first couple of ounces fine, then I go to wind him and he cries and then when I put him back on the bottle he just fusses and waves his arms around and screams.
The milk is coming out from the teats ok and at a good speed for his age and he doesnt always drain the bottles so its not that he is over hungry I dont think.
When I used to feed him he settled immediately but I dont really know why this has started??
Any ideas any one?
He is six weeks old taking 5oz and is on Avent Bottles and Number 2 teats and is on C&G 1.
He takes his first couple of ounces fine, then I go to wind him and he cries and then when I put him back on the bottle he just fusses and waves his arms around and screams.
The milk is coming out from the teats ok and at a good speed for his age and he doesnt always drain the bottles so its not that he is over hungry I dont think.
When I used to feed him he settled immediately but I dont really know why this has started??

He is six weeks old taking 5oz and is on Avent Bottles and Number 2 teats and is on C&G 1.