demand feeding. Confused!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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Ok so my little man has been demand feeding for nearly 4w now and was on a regular 4-5hr feeds of 4oz.

For 2 days he would drain the whole bottle so i started to make 5oz bottles up so he coukd have more if he wanted.

Now he seems to be demanding a feed every 3 hrs and wont even drink 4oz of his bottles! and will float between 2-3oz.

Am i doing something wrong to make him drink less but more often?
Night feeds were great as he only woke once and now he's up 2x in the night and seems to leave alot of it!

Advice please Girls...!!
I think you just need to go with what he wants, the only thing I can think of is that you might need to change teats to the next flow or a variflow xxx
He might've been going through a growth spurt hence wanting more but has now calmed down. x.
just fed him with a 2 teat and it went everywhere! He just stored it in his mouth and then spat it all over me!:shakehead:
Back to 1st teat i think!
ok think i might just go with the flow.... just not liking these 3hr feeds! he's been on 4hr feeds ever since he got out of hospital! :/
Oh dear, well there goes that idea! Zacs feeds were all over the place for the first 6 weeks, sometimes it was every hour, so I suppose they are just learning at that age. I hope he goes longer for you soon xxx
Hey chick, Well when me and LO were in hosp we were on 3hrly feeds.....but after a week or so of being home its been three hourly and still is. Little and often chick. Not much help i know, but just so you know your not the only one xxx
Ellie was on 4 hourly feeds or 2 weeks beore she came home from hospital and or about a week when we came home, then it all changed she was 3oz every 2 hours!!! day and night but it settled out after a few weeks, just go with the flow lol x
thanks girls. He was much better today and has had 2 4hr gaps between feeds and drunk his 4oz bottles.... :yay:

If 3hr feeds is what he needs then thats fine by me! As long as nothing is wrong.
Lucy went through this and touch wood she is settling now I also changed teats to size two at about same age as your lo and all she did was choke but tried them again last week and she is doing really well with faster flow teats. I'm afraid it's as the others have said just have to go with the flow sounds like lo is settling already xx
4hr feeds last night of just under 4oz! :D My mum said to try him on water as with all the hot weather he may jext be thirsty. So when he starts to moan at around 3hrs i give him 1ozish (he drinks out of a bottle of water containing 5oz so takes as much as he needs) this then settles him again until the 4hr

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