Crying when Feeding?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Zac has been fine feeding up until now but just lately when he feeds he seems to cry loads!

He takes his first couple of ounces fine, then I go to wind him and he cries and then when I put him back on the bottle he just fusses and waves his arms around and screams.

The milk is coming out from the teats ok and at a good speed for his age and he doesnt always drain the bottles so its not that he is over hungry I dont think.

When I used to feed him he settled immediately but I dont really know why this has started?? :think: Any ideas any one?

He is six weeks old taking 5oz and is on Avent Bottles and Number 2 teats and is on C&G 1.

Thanks :)
Does he kick his legs around? Ellie got colic and went through a phase (around that age) of screeming and kicking her legs around after feeding for about 5mins. It was unfortunately giving her bad tummy ache. Thankfully that settled down after about 1week and amazingly, despite only taking shorter feeds she still gavined 8oz over that week.
is he on c +g 1 comfort??
My daughter is and she has started being like this too
Strangely she seems to go a few days without moving her bowels too
am goin to try her on c + g premuim and see how she goes
I would say its wind, you could try Infacol beofre feeding & see if it makes any difference?? or he's just being a typical man!! :lol:
Sounds like a touch of colic hun - poor little man. Infacol helps Jacob.
Have to say Rowan was doing the exact same thing from the same age and was eventually diagnosed with reflux. Gaviscon infant in his bottle and feeding him in a more upright position has really helped loads.
Thanks everyone he seems to have stopped doing it now!!!

It goes in phases, I think it is colic as you say, giving him bad wind!

Il keep an eye on him and if he keeps doing it il mention it to my HV but like I say he is feeding fine now :think: Men eh?

Treena, he is not on Comfort he is on C&G Premium. Im really pleased with it.

Im using Infacol, have been for a while seems to get his burps up.

Thanks ladies :D

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