Cravings..Heat..Migraines..Joy! :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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So this is the second day in a row I have come home with a head feeling like a phenumatic drill thing they use on the roads. I dont know if its hormones, Lack of sleep (I am getting maybe 3-4 hours) or this goddamn heat! I went out with the dog earlier, she is a long haired alsation and after ten minutes she was complaining of the heat, it usually takes hours before I can talk her into going home! I cant walk anywhere.. I get all dizzy and start seeing spots (THough thats the start of the migraines) and when I got to my friends house today I actually collapsed on her front porch.

As for cravings.. I was planning on staying the night at my friends, But had a craving for the chicken tikka masala in my fridge! So I had to come home and ~nom nom nom~ Yep it was worth it!

So im gonna take a nap and shake this headache, hope my phone doesnt go off or it will ruin my chances of sleep. And I know.. turn it off.. But I cant, waiting on news of my should be dead, utterly bitchy grandma who is in hospital (The whole family hates her, My uncle accidently pushed her down the stairs, and she lived. so crap. )
How are you now hun, I'm quite headachedy as well :(
Hi Momma'Kat , I bet it's the continued sleep depreivation you are having that's built up mainly and hormones next.. hope you feel better soon, oh and love you coming home as you had tikka massal in the fridge!!

Whlen is your scan Momma'Kat isn't it later this week?

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