craving sand!!


Mar 24, 2010
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ii am now 32weeks pregnant today and really craving sand and have been for a while now.. ii havent eaten any sand yet, ii just eat gritty sherbet but it really isnt the same and ii really want to eat sand ii know its strange and ii have no idea why ii want to but ii really do lol..x
Sand! Like proper sand at the beach type sand? Thats a crap craving to have, you poor thing. Made me laugh though. I wouldn't eat sand tbh, you don't know whats in it, ha ha ha. Erm things that might have a similar texture to sand........hmm nope can't think of anything, sorry i was no help what so ever. Have you got any other cravings?
yeah like proper sand lol.. and yeahh ii no ii wanted to crave something that ii could actually eat haha. and ii no, was told to try that clean child friendly sand.. and nope no other cravings just sand at the mo..
Craving non food items is known as Pica, and you need to speak to your midwife as it normally means your body is lacking something. With sand, it usually means your iron level are low and I had it too in pregnancy.

Please do not eat 'clean' sand either, it is incredibly bad for you.
yeah ii am on iron tablets, been on them for 1 week now
Ah Tonks that makes sense then. Hopefully the iron tablets will ease the sand cravings very soon.
Isnt the human body an incredible machine?! This is so interesting! :)
maybe try brown sugar?
looks kinda like sand...
I agree with Tonks. You MUST speak to your MW and do not eat any kind of sand - none of it is safe.
errgh sand! definately not good for you.. clever how that is from low Iron tho

What about digestive biscuits crushed up with a rolling pin , might stave off the cravings
I've heard of some weird cravings but never sand........good luck with that :lol: Defo speak to your MW hun xx
Sand is a new one to me too - poor you! Deffo speak to mw as ladies said - hope you sort it soon keep us updated x

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