

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2011
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I hope all this cramping is baby getting comfy. I also feel wet as if AF is arriving it I go to check and it's a lot of CM. let's hope it stays like that. Anyone else get cramps around 4 week mark?

Also is anyone already thinking baby names? I really like Joesph for a boy atm. And might go with my orignal name of Pheobe. I was going to call my daughter that but decided on Evie instead xx
Hi hun, yeah I had cramps about then (had a few this week as well). Getting CM as well and everything (so I'm told) is normal
:wave: Yep I also had the cramps like AF was coming around the 4-6 week-ish mark and a LOT of CM ;) x
Ok. Thanks. I'm just worried at this point. I can't wait to be at a safer stage in pregnancy xx
Exact same here at 4+5. Cramping is so strong sometimes. Not much other symptoms and no cm at all really which is worrying me. It's the worse part for worry! :(
As long as the cramps don't come with bleeding then we are all good! I also experience like flutter feelings. Not like baby moving because that's impossible at this stage. But that's how I can only describe it. Cramps haven't been too bad today. Just really tired. Xx
Hey girls, I've just joined and I'm not sure how this all works yet! I had to go to the hospital today, I'm 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant, although i think it could be less to be honest. But they scared the crap out of me, had an internal scan and the seen the sac but nothing inside, my HCG levels are 490 and endometriosis is 11mm thick. They are bringing me back Thursday to check the hormone levels again but have told me absolutely nothing else and I'm worrying myself sick...

Anyone any advice or been here before? :(
same here with the cramps and wetness I'm 6 weeks now still having them scares me so much xxx

Sarah Louise try not to panic too much I've heard people go for scans early and empty sac then go back later for second scan and baby is found ..fingers crossed this is the case for you xxxx
Sarah try not to panic, the heart can't be seen until at least 6 weeks! What was the reason you went in for??

I'm still having someone and off cramping & lower back pain & not much else. Maybe off food a little bit!! Xx
Cramps are just on and off.
SarahLouise why did you need an early scan? Don't worry hunny like the others have said, baby is just a tiny poppy seed at this point. Don't worry xxx
I was having cramps so the Doctor sent me for an early scan to check everything is okay! Thanks so much girls, its really hard not knowing, the waiting is killing me! The fact I was told nothing is the worse, so i don't know what to think! But I really hope your all right and my little poppy seed is okay!! :) By the sounds of things cramping is common is it? xx
I had a wave of nausea this morning. Really thought I was going to throw up. But I really don't feel pregnant. If it weren't for the faint positive then I wouldn't have a clue cx
Was back in the hospital today for my blood results, hcg levels have doubled so they think everything is okay! Thank god.. Worst two days of my life I have to say!! People say taking to the Internet to look for answers is the worst thing to do but it really helped me!!! :) Hope your all doing well and the sickness has eased xxx
Twinkle, I'm the same! Don't feel any different whatsoever! I keep feeling a tiny bit sick and getting all excited :D haha
Every time I get a twinge or flutter I feel a bit better because I'm thinking it's baby growing and my womb stretching :D
Also, I poas this morning and it was slightly darker than yesterday! Yay! Haha ;)

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