Cramps?? Please help


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Hi All

This is my first time on here, i have a 4 year old don but cant remember what i was like being pregnant nearly 5 years ago!! Ive been experiencing period like cramps since Monday and my AF was due Tues/Wed i had been feeling sick so decided to do a pregnancy test which instantly came back positive.

The only worry i have is these cramps it feels like my period is coming, and at night time its worse, is this normal?? i so want everything to be ok??

Any advice appreciated

Love The Newbie

4 Weeks and 2 days Pregnant

I got a lot of cramps before AF was due and still, into my 6th week, get some cramps. Just make sure to drink enough water and keep yourself hydrated, at least that was what I was told. But I cramped almost steadily for about 6 days.

I'd say it's quite normal, I got cramps the first period I missed and I've just had mild cramps this month as well. I also get sharp pains where things are obviously doing things in my body and i've also had sharp pains in my vagina area. I wouldnt worry unless you start bleeding.
I was getting lots of AF type cramps this time, so i think its normal, i think as long as they are not really really painful its ok.
if you do get worried tho hun phone the nhs direct or go and see your gp
good luck hun :hug:
hey, i think they are defo normal, i had them from my missed period (4weeks) to about 7 weeks, but i am getting the odd one now too! just ur body changin :)

obviously if u bleed with the pain u must get it checked out!

Brief AF like cramps are perfectly normal and are due to the uterus contracting and stretching. They're perfectly fine unless you have bleeding too. If the ache is continuous and very painful see your doc straight away!

Having said that if you're worried about anything at all you should prob see the doc. It's ok to feel worried and at least he or she can set your mind at rest.


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