Cramps during the night ...


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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Hi there

Another post by me - ull all be sick of me soon ( i have another to post straight after as well!)

Last night - i had cramps before i went to sleep - they lasted about 10/15 mins then eased off - i have no idea if they are trapped wind or cramps - they are painful..more painful than period pains but i dont usually suffer from period cramps - but they are strong enough to wake me up and have me rolled in a ball to stop me getting back to sleep.
ive had a couple of nights of waking up with this once, but last night i had it before going to sleep and then twice during the night as well
I do feel a bit better after passing wind (TMI) but usually my trapped wind feels more sharp - and this was more dull aching
was stressing as my previous mc started with period pain but i think it was quite a bit stronger - and started bleeding almost instantly.
so was on knicker watch during the night and nothing! but still had me worried - was convinced that was it...
anyone else waking up in the night with cramps? im 6 wks - got an early scan booked for 7 weeks - so will wait until then i think as long as it doesnt get worse
Hi hunny. I've had a few cramps last few days. They actually really hurt and like you spent the whole time knicker checking!!
I'm sure it's just little un bedding in and all is ok xx
ok glad not just me - we are pretty much exactly on time - as cramping last few days and also nausea for last couple of days so that makes me feel a bit better - yeah hopefully just the bean getting comfortable in there - does worry me tho , although its not constant - just comes and goes quite a bit!
If it eases off after you fart then chances are it's just wind pain or ligaments. Also make sure you have a wee right before you go to bed and if they wake you up try having another wee. Everything is moving around in there so what used to be normal pains for things like wind won't necessarily feel the same now. Try not to panic hunny xxxxxxxxxxx
im cramping like you wouldnt believe today, try a nice hot bath has eased mine off thankfully x
My midwife described these pains to me the minute I said i'd had pains and she advised they were normal, it's just your body accomadating for bubba.

if your super worried though ring the surgery and speak to your midwife.. :)

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