Cramps Last night - thought that was it..


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
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last night had 3 bouts of cramps - AF style but not nearly as severe and they woke me up, made me feel quite panicy too so kept running to loo to check for blood but nothing. Also felt a bit ill last night - can you get MS in the night?

this morning, there is still no bleeding, cramps gone, taken my prenatal vits and sipping on a can of lovely cold fizzy vimto about to have some fruit.

up to now ive only had 'stretching' pains and pinch/pokey pains not cramps. i take it this is normal adn Im guessing a few here have had the same and paniced thinking AF was about to show?
:hug: :hug: Hope you are feeling better this morning hun :hug: :hug: Personally i don't feel sick at all in the morning but come midday i feel rotten right through til i go to bed and then i don't sleep properly coz i feel ill through the night. You can get "morning" sickness all day/night long not just in the morning. I also find that if i drink anything fizzy it makes me feel a whole lot worse so i stick to water or juice but the fizzy won't hurt baby so if it makes you feel better than enjoy!!
I keep getting af type pains too and it freaks me out as well!!! I think it's just the body doing it's thing though ~ please someone tell me this is right!!

Thankfully, I don't feel sick in the night, it's just most of the waking day :rotfl:
its normal! iv been there and done it before, and got my healthy baby, but i still worry just the same! :lol:


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