Cramping a a week after period??

Blondy locks x

Active Member
Feb 28, 2011
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Hey girls :wave:

I only came off my period monday 4th of this month and i have had some cramping in my lower belly and in my foo foo this week :blush: I dont know whether these could be pregnancy symptoms or not? There not really painful or anything, they just seem to come and go? Am a bit confused coz i only ever getting cramps when im about to have my period.

Any help girls if you have experienced this?

Thanks xxx
So what day of your cycle are you on? Day one is your first day of bleeding. It could possibly be ovulation? Some people get cramps with that x
Im on day 16 now, also about 5 days after my period finished i had gone the toilet and i had wiped and there was a very light brown and then a pale pink discharge?? x x x
It could be ovulation then, I'm not sure about what it could have been after you period finished tho :eh: how long are your cycles normally?x
What do ov pains feel like? I had the sharpest pain, near my left hip bone yesterday, had to give it a rub! x
My cycle usually is 28 days. Erm the pains were dull stabs cosmic, not all the time just now and then. Its frustrating when you dont know whats going on haha x x x
Hmmm (dont actually know why I asked that as I have no idea what ov pains feel like!) xx
It's probably ovulation if you have a 28 day cycle you usually ovulate CD14 so your around that xx
If it's a stabbing pain that comes and goes, that's what I have around ov, so if you are cd 16 then ovulation pain really sound like the most likely cause. I usually get them on ov day.

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