Cow and Gate Comfort


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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Is fantastic!!! Charlie was struggling with SMA Gold, 3-5 oz every 4 hours so a good amount, but he needed winding every ounce, then usually brought about half an ounce up again all over the sofa, and in the evening, he really struggled with trapped wind/colic. He was in real pain for about an hour every evening. He was also struggling to poo occassionally and it was very solid. We tried Infacol at the suggestion of the midwife, but it seemed to make him throw up more.

I mentioned it to my hv yesterday, and she suggested switching milk to the C & G Comfort. So yesterday morning, I went to Tesco's, got a tub and 6 medium flow teats as it is thicker, and he loves it! He drained the first bottle (6 oz) completely!! He's done at least 5 oz from all the other bottles. Winding him is so much easier - basically I just sit him up and out it pops! :shock: His poo is runnier and seems effortless for him to get it out as I found out when he was having his morning bath!! :rotfl:

It does say on the tub only to use it on the advise of health professionals, so it's not going to be good for all babies, but I thought I should mention how much better off Charlie is on it for anyone else who's baby is struggling.
Stanley is on SMA gold and having all the problems you mentioned. he's so tough to wind, throws up so much (and he's choking on it occasionally) and sometimes his poo is so hard like little pellets!

Having a visit from health visitor today, will ask about C +G comfort, thanks for the tip! :D
That sounds just like Charlie Minxy, I forgot to mention the choking but he had that as well. Like I said, the Comfort is more expensive (£7 a tub), but it's definitely worth it to make him happier. :D

My hv told me it was more difficult to find, but luckily my local Tesco's sells it. She did say that if I was struggling to buy it, a local chemist would always order it in for me.
hi girls :wave:
louie is on farleys first & he struggles bringing his wind up sometimes so it is nice to know that there is another milk if need be!!
Hi, my lil boy has been having comfort since he was 6 weeks old. He was very unsettled, windy and sicky on the premium. It was an awful time as he was in pain and i was past myself watching him. I tried other colicy thing but my h.v told me about this milk. He changed for the better straight away after he had comfort. Weve never looked back, he is still having comfort 1 at 6 1/2 months and is a very happy settled baby.

Good luck with it.x
Omneo Comfort is magic stuff! We used to use that for Damien for his reflux. It helps with wind problems too, he used to burp a treat with this! He's now on SMA Staydown which does the same thing, but comes on prescription for free too :wink:
wow sami how did u swindal that!!!??? hehe xxx
Health visitor was very vague.... said I could try it if I wanted but thinks his constipation is due to his Gaviscon and Infacol and said I should just give him more water? :?

I've dropped the Gaviscon as it wasn't helping, will finish this tub of SMA over the next couple of days and if I feel Stanley hasn't improved am going to switch! :)
Keely said:
wow sami how did u swindal that!!!??? hehe xxx

Damien has pretty bad reflux that causes him to apnoea's (stops breathing when asleep), that and lots of persuasion!
Well, I've finally admitted defeat with the SMA and switched to comfort. Already Stanley seems a lot more settled, brings up wind easier and has had no projectile vomiting/choking episodes! Great! :dance:

However, His poo is just liquid and smells like rotten eggs :puke: , although he's not at all distressed by it . Plus, with the SMA he was going 4 hours, with this it's 3 hours on the dot, even throughout the night :bored:

Do you think these are symptoms of transistion and they'll pass, or has he a problem with this milk? :think:
Charlie's poo has been much more liquid since being on the Comfort, and yep, it stinks! And he does so many more so we're going through nappies like there is no tomorrow! He did start wanting feeding every 3 hours or so for the first day, but now is going 4 again, so it may just be transition with Stanley.

We did have a vomiting episode this morning though, but that is the first projectile one since switching. And no choking! :dance:
The poo and the smell of rotten eggs are normal for this milk, and it will unfortuantely stay like that!
Get's worse when they are fully weaned :lol: :wink:

As for the feedng, they will feed more to start as all of a sudden tehy can feed easier, Damien did this too. Just go with the flow and baby will let you knwo when they are ready to increase. xx

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