Bottle teats for Cow & Gate comfort


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2006
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Jacob has reflux so we have been advised to use Cow & Gate comfort for the last feed before bed (I am breast feeding the rest of the time). We use Dr Brown's bottles as he also has a touch of colic but as this formula is thicker, he is struggling to get any out of the newborn teat. I went and bought the medium flow (even though you are meant to be over 3 months) but he is still struggling and getting frustrated. Anyone have any experience of this? The fast flow teats are for 6 months and over so I am not sure whether to use these?

I used Comfort for a few days when Zac was about 4 weeks old to help his constipation and I was recommended by the HV to use the variflow teats as you can alter the rate of the flow of the milk by turning the teat in line with the babies nose. I didnt use them myself as he went onto Cow & Gate Premium a few days after the constipation had cleared up so cant tell you how good they are but this was what was suggested to me teat wise!

Let me know how you get on!
Just thought I'd post a quick reply while I noticed this message....
When Damien was on Omneo Comfort we had to use level 3 teats (fast flow). Also found it was a lot better in a bottle which didn't have an air flow valve in (we used tommee tippee wide neck bottles), but that was when Damien was a bit bigger, couple of months old by then I think he was. The milk will come out too quick in the Dr Brown bottles (sorry I know they cost a fortune, we have spend alot on bottles since D was born).
My HV said don't use variflow Jade LOL. Funny how they all say different things! :lol: I don't think we used variflow so I don't know if it works or not, give it a go and see what you get on with xx
We use comfort with Avent number 3 teats in Dr Brown bottles and have done since Stanley was tiny.

I couldn't get on with the variflow, either nothing came out or they made Stanley splutter :think:
Thanks everyone, thats really helpful! :D I am going to try avent number 3 teats in my Dr Brown bottle first and then if that doesn't work, try a wider neck bottle as Sami suggested. Will let you know how I get on!

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