Covering up in public


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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What do you breastfeeding ladies use to cover up while your out and about :think:

Wouldnt want the world to get a good look of my little bumps to be honest :lol: and its starting to put me off going out for awhile, I can't express enough for her at the moment.

I was thinking of getting a sling, do you think that will help?

:D Ta in advance

I just used a receiving blanket and hide my side chub with my jacket or sweater ect.
There are those good ones that go around your neck which ill be forsure getting for the next baby.
But alot of girls also use slings which hide everything.
Up to you hun hope you find something that works!!! and dont let it keep you from doing it in public you will be fine jsut needs a bit of practice and you will be a pro!! Good Luck
i just use my shawl to wrap over Rachael. It depends where i am.
:D Thanks for your replys.

Anyone know any stores that have mother and baby rooms? :think:
Our John Lewis does and I have found ones at Basingstoke shopping centre and at the Swindon outlet centre.
I wear easy access clothes and cover up with a muslin cloth. I didn't BF out and about for ages and when I first started thought I'd be a prisoner to the house but it becomes easier and babies start to feed less frequently anyway. Also the pumping gets easier too :)
Tash, will you be shopping in Brum?

House of Fraser have a huge room, and the top floor of the Pavillions has seperate cubicles in the changing room too. Debenhams is okay but usually pretty busy. :)
I use a pouch sling or just drap a muslin around us.

When i was in england most shops allowed me to use a fitting room to feed Thea too, its always worth asking.

I wouldnt worry about it too much though hun most people dont give you a second glance anyway while you are feeding :)
I wore a cardigan and a vest top, so I could pull my vest up and keep my cardi buttoned. This way my tummy was hiddewn by cardi and the vest covered my boob. I felt comfortable with this. Pouch slings are great for breastfeeding too.

Tthe bullring has some feeding rooms but they have a toilet in :roll: so not the nicest. If there is a mother and baby group near you, perhaps get used to feeding there, and then go out with a friend the first time you feed in public. I am always up for a trip to brum if you need any support.
Great :D Thank you everyone, I am going to get one of those pouch slings and give it ago, and invest in some tops to wear that are easy to get at.

Thanks Beanie id like to take you up on that one day :)

I can't find any breastfeeding mother and baby groups around here, does anyone know any?
i have never felt uncomfortable breastfeeding in public, i just wap 'em out anywhere if jamie is hungry!!
had to laugh xmas day though at my mums, when my brother (who's 26)said "Flippin heck, your nipples are like beefburgers!" :rotfl:
:rotfl: lol just as bad as my midwife saying to me, wow fantastic nipples for breastfeeding :rotfl: :shock:

I nearly choked :lol:

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