Do I need to express between feeds?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
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My baby is only 5 days old and breastfeeding has been going great so far. Im really enjoying it (didn't think I would like it tbh) and am very keen to continue it as long as possible.

Do I need to express between feeds to keep my milk supply up? At the moment I have plenty for what she wants, my milk has come in, and she seems very content, but should I be expressing to make sure my production keeps up or is this unneccessary? Because I didn't think I would take to it I don't think I did enough reading up about feeding when I was pregnant!

Thanks in advance for any advice x
you only need to express if ur planning on giveing your baby a bottle your supply will build up as baby requires more x
i dont think you should too much, as your supply is extremely clever and will just sort itself out in time. now my baby is 3 months my supply is exactly to what she needs, no less. but if she has a growth spurt she feeds more and therefore you make more milk. if youve got too much milk id express cos you dont want to get any blockages, and freeze the milk for future reference! thats what i did and im thankful i did it! i used all my frozen supply in the last 2 months :) x
No, not at this early stage. I started at 7 days but that was because I wanted the milk to donate to the milk bank. It was something I'd wanted to do.

You just need to keep feeding often so you don't get blocked ducts.

Well done though it sounds like you are doing amazing! Xxx

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