Counselling appt. has finally arrived!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2010
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I have finally received an appt to go for counselling on tues morning - its amazing what a GP can do when they want to :roll: I'm really glad its so soon as the original letter said I'd have to wait 12 - 16 wks for appt (which would of been June - 7 months after losing my daughter :shakehead:) I went back to my GP last week & he said he's get me moved forward :)

I feel a bit anxious about it now I know it's next week - what if I go & find that I can't talk to her? I've never had to have anything like this so don't really know what to expect, I was thinking of asking my mum to come with me even if she just stays in the waiting room while I go in on my own.

Really hope this helps.
I have finally received an appt to go for counselling on tues morning - its amazing what a GP can do when they want to :roll: I'm really glad its so soon as the original letter said I'd have to wait 12 - 16 wks for appt (which would of been June - 7 months after losing my daughter :shakehead:) I went back to my GP last week & he said he's get me moved forward :)

I feel a bit anxious about it now I know it's next week - what if I go & find that I can't talk to her? I've never had to have anything like this so don't really know what to expect, I was thinking of asking my mum to come with me even if she just stays in the waiting room while I go in on my own.

Really hope this helps.

it will........and you will be able to talk to her, don't worry. they are trained to get you to open up without you even realising thats what they are doing. it will really help and you will feel like a weights been lifted off your shoulders....

i hope it goes well, keep us posted

Hi p1nk

Good luck with your counselling session. Usually in the first session they ask a lot of questions to try and find out exactly what the thing they are trying to help you with is exactly.

If you get the right counsellor it can make a huge difference :hug:
Oh honey, I'm so happy that you have an appt now :)

I suppose the only reason we got any help was because Ethan was in NICU, so we had a bereavement counsellor right away. I think it's disgusting that you have had to wait so long to speak to someone :hugs:

One of the counsellors we saw I didn't like, he just didn't get me at all. The female ones have been in contact with are fab. My main counsellor had also lost a baby when she was younger, so she fully understood where I was coming from. She got really ill over Xmas though and was in hospital for a while with pneumonia so we had to see someone else. She is back to work now.

If you have the right person it will honesty be really helpful :)
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So glad you got your app hun. I agree with the other girls, dont worry about going. I hope you find it easy to talk and takes some things off your mind.. I havnt gone to my counsellor in a few weeks because i find it hard going back to the hospital where i had David. Ive made an app to see her and just dread going into the hospital x

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