Cotton Wool Pads v Cotton Wool Balls??!!

Little Rose

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hey, are you guys packing pads or balls for cleaning the baby's derrier? I have images of the fluff from the cotton wool balls covering the baby and me....Not sure which is best - any advice?

My midwife told me not to use wipes or anything in the bath water for 6 weeks as new research is showing that babies need 6 week for their skin to adjust. There has been an increase in excema and they are linking it to using wipes etc on new born babies. Have any of you heard this?

I haven't heard anything. My midwife hasn't mentioned anything either. I will prob use cotton wool pads as somebody said they were better for boys. I will then start using wipes after a few weeks. xx
A friend of mine with a little'un said to steer clear from the balls for the very reason that you mentioned. She said pads all the way so that's what I have bought.
im going with pads. you can get the bigger square ones which are handy.

i have heard about wipes but not bath stuff. i wont be using wipes for a while at least. xxx
From experience I would say both leave fluff everywhere but I actually found the balls to be better for cleaning and the pads for putting on top of willy to stop G hosing everywhere :)
I bought cotton wool strip but i dont know why - im thinking it might be a bit fiddly now.

My midwife said just not to use wipes etc for a week or so x
I'll be getting balls, reason is u use them with warm boiled water anyway n that stops em fluffing, n I think with my sin they didn't fluff that bad when dryin as u can fold rhem if u get me hehe x
I've got a few packs of cotton wool balls but i might go with the pads because i HATE cotton wool!!! Ergh its sick, the feel of it is horrible. xxx
I bought lots of cottom wall balls for my son when he was born but I think I managed 1 pooey nappy with them and then started using wipes.. Cotton wall and lots of poop is hard work. I used to use cotton wool for the wet nappies and then sensitive wipes for poo. I was also told not too use any bath products for the first 6 weeks. But I think I probably only did it for about 3 weeks. They smell much better coming out of a johnsons baby wash bath than plain water lol
Im the same shauna ... touching cotton wool makes my skin crawl!! x
When I was a Nursery Nurse we weren't allowed to used baby wipes on any bottoms (cost effective as well as avoiding skin complaints). In my experience cotton wall balls are rubbish because you need a good hand ful for a pooey bum and they stick together when they're wet but as soon as you wipe baby they fall apart. Pads are a bit thin but the best we used at nursery were cotton wool pleats because you pull off 1 pleat at a time and there fairly big even after you wet them.

1 tip for using cotton wool ... wet at least 2 bits of cotton wool for every nappy, if you wet one bit at a time you get wet hands and when you touch the next dry bit to wet it you get it all stuck to your fingers! If you know it's a messy nappy wet lots! lol

I'll probably buy cotton wool pleats and use them in hospital but once I know baby's skin is ok i'll switch to non perfumed wipes. x
Oh god, I haven't bought any cotton wool, can't touch it , I hate it, cotton wool is evil, don't tell me Im gonna have to get some of the evil stuff :(
Wow i am glad i am not the only one!!! My mam purposely chews it infront of me :puke::puke::puke: I agree its evil! xxx
Wow i am glad i am not the only one!!! My mam purposely chews it infront of me :puke::puke::puke: I agree its evil! xxx

Oh my God, that must be my equivalent of eating tinfoil when you have a filling...or nails scratching on the blackboard when we were at school. Gives me the shivers!
I can chew cotton wool! My gran hates it!! Lol!

I never knew wipes could cause problems or baby wash too. I have bought pleats of cotton wool which I will use for nappy changes - can pull as much as you want. And will probably use cotton wool balls for cleaning the face. Is that ok to use?

I have cotton wool balls but I think I'll get some pleats, they sound like they work better.

I have pads and balls but am going to buy pleats on the advice of you guys on here. can you Flopsy! :lol:
I think i am going to get them pleat things instead of the balls xxx

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